Featured Articles

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity: Collaboration, Communication Are Keys to Organizational Agility

by Robin Gerrow

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Like ballet dancers and basketball players, businesses must constantly work to maintain their agility.

Making agility a priority may be the key to helping organizations thrive in the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), according to new research from Dr. Benjamin Baran, of Cleveland State University and the consulting firm Indigo Anchor, and Dr. Haley Woznyj, of Longwood University.

Congratulations to This Year’s Early Bird Drawing Winners!

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SIOP understands that finances can be tight for Student Affiliates and wanted to help by offering an early bird renewal drawing, exclusively for students.

Roughly 1,000 students were entered in our drawing, simply for renewing their dues by June 15. SIOP is happy to announce the three lucky students that won free registration for the 35th Annual SIOP Conference.

SIOP Members Create New D&I Portfolio Officer

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In balloting that ended July 19, SIOP voters approved an amendment creating a new Diversity and Inclusion Portfolio Officer on the Executive Board.

They also ratified a provision limiting the eligibility of current officers to run for future seats on the board, a measure intended to assure that officers serve the entire term for any elected position.

SIOP President Eden King introduced the amendment creating the Diversity and Inclusion Officer as part of her closing plenary presentation at the 2019 SIOP Annual Conference.  

The amendment was first proposed by several committee representatives, including Ismael Diaz, Mindy Bergman, and Enrica Ruggs, and Membership Portfolio Chair Allan Church at the end of the 2018 Conference. The Amendment was unanimously approved by the Executive Board in January 2019 for presenting to the membership for a vote.

Women Now Seen as Equally or More Competent Than Men

Polling data suggest stereotypes have significantly changed since 1940s

Anonym 0 3641 Article rating: 5.0

WASHINGTON -- Women have come a long way in the United States over the last 70 years, to the point where they are now seen as being as competent as men, if not more so, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

The Call for Proposals for #SIOP20 is Open

Deadline to Submit on September 11, 2019

Anonym 0 6100 Article rating: 4.0

Online proposal submission for the 2020 SIOP Annual Conference, April 23-25 at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas, is now open! The submission deadline is Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time. No exceptions will be made for late submissions. SIOP members have already received an email notifying them of the call. Didn’t get the email? Please make sure to update your SIOP profile.



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