Featured Articles

Sign Up to Volunteer for #TeamSIOP by June 30

by SIOP Administrative Office

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Would you like to advance your career and help your membership community as well as the field of I-O psychology? Consider joining a SIOP committee!

With a small administrative staff of 11 and over 10,000 members throughout the world, SIOP relies heavily on volunteers to fulfill its mission. Your volunteer service will assure continued vitality of SIOP while deriving real value from your membership.

Last year, over 1,500 members volunteered for the Society. So why should YOU consider serving on a SIOP committee?

If You Can’t Say Something Nice…

Research shows transparency about talent management programs isn’t always the best course

Anonym 0 3104 Article rating: 5.0

Every manager wants to nurture their best employees, but the challenge is doing that without alienating less talented employees.

Doctoral candidate Anand van Zelderen, KU Leuven, Belgium, and his colleagues Dr. Nicky Dries, also with KU Leuven, and Dr. Elise Marescaux, IESEG School of Management, France, discuss how best to do this in their recent study, “Managers should remain secret about talent status.” Their research was selected by the conference program committee as one of the top posters submitted to the 2019 SIOP Annual Conference.



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