Featured Articles

On “New” Personality Types: An Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology Perspective

Deniz S. Ones, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and Brenton M. Wiernik, University of South Florida

Meredith Turner 0 3856 Article rating: 5.0

To much media fanfare, a recent article presented findings proclaiming the discovery of four “personality types” (Gerlach et al. (2018, https://doi.org/10/gd8ds5).  We consider the implications for industrial-organizational psychology science and practice.  There is no compelling evidence overturning the scientific consensus that personality is composed of multiple continuous dimensions, not a limited set of discrete types.

The High Society: How to Write a Review that Lets Everyone Know How Awesome You Are

Nathan T. Carter*, University of Georgia

Meredith Turner 0 2094 Article rating: 5.0

A highly important part of the review process is to serve as a check and balance on the quality of scientific research and the veracity of the claims made by the investigators. But even more important to this venerated process is that everyone knows just how awesome and smart you are. So here is a list of things you can do to let editors and the authors of the paper you’re reviewing know just how much better you are than them.

International Practice Forum Special Series Industrial-Organizational Psychology Helps Heal the World (Part 5): Employment, Disability and the Role of Work Psychology

Lynda Zugec, The Workforce Consultants, and Walter Reichman, Org Vitality

Meredith Turner 0 2971 Article rating: No rating

This issue continues our efforts to describe how industrial-organizational psychology practitioners and academics are helping to heal the world by applying our discipline to improve the lives of those who are underserved in our world. This article, contributed by Susanne Bruyère and Vicente Martínez-Tur describes some of the advances made in aiding persons with intellectual developmental disabilities to achieve a productive working life and contribute to the success of organizations that employ them. The article points to directions for continued practice and research in our field.

TIP-Topics for Students: Transitioning Into an I-O PhD With a Master’s Degree

Meredith Turner 0 3134 Article rating: 3.9

Deciding to go to graduate school in I-O is a major life decision for students, and immediately after making this decision, they are faced with another: Should they pursue a master’s or PhD in I-O? For some students this decision is easy. They might not be interested in research or do not want to invest the time it takes to complete a PhD. Others might have a concrete career in mind that necessitates a PhD (e.g. a career in academia). But for many students, the decision between a master’s or PhD might not be as clear cut. They might decide to start off in a master’s program to find out if they want to continue to a PhD, or they might decide to return to school for their PhD after starting their career in I-O.

Max. Classroom Capacity: A Report From SIOP’s Education and Training Committee

Loren J. Naidoo, California State University, Northridge

Meredith Turner 0 2039 Article rating: No rating

For this week we continue the tradition of highlighting the purpose and important work that is being done by SIOP’s Education and Training (E&T) Committee. To that end, I’ve invited Marissa Shuffler, E&T Committee Chair, to contribute. Marissa recently assumed the E&T Chair role this spring after a year serving as the Chair in Training, and the International Subcommittee chair prior to that. Over the next two years as Chair, Marissa will continue to support ongoing efforts but also focus specific efforts aimed at better understanding the current state of E&T for I-O Psychology, and what new/emerging needs may be better addressed by the committee in the future.



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