Featured Articles

Introducing Alyssa McGonagle and Enrica Ruggs: 2018 Small Grant Winner

Liberty J. Munson, and Garett Howardson

Meredith Turner 0 1712 Article rating: No rating

As part of our ongoing series to recognize SIOP award winners, this quarter, we are highlighting one of SIOP’s Small Grant Award winners: Alyssa McGonagle and Enrica Ruggs, who are working on an intervention project to help reduce bias against job applicants with disabilities.

The Bridge: Connecting Science and Practice: Digital Nomads: The Final Frontier of Work Arrangements?

Column Editors: Kimberly Acree Adams, Independent Consultant, and Stephanie Zajac, Houston Methodist Hospital

Meredith Turner 0 4226 Article rating: 5.0

“The Bridge: Connecting Science and Practice” is a TIP column that seeks to help facilitate additional learning and knowledge transfer to encourage sound, evidence-based practice. It can provide academics with an opportunity to discuss the potential and/or realized practical implications of their research as well as learn about cutting edge practice issues or questions that could inform new research programs or studies. For practitioners, it provides opportunities to learn about the latest research findings that could prompt new techniques, solutions, or services that would benefit the external client community. It also provides practitioners with an opportunity to highlight key practice issues, challenges, trends, and so forth that may benefit from additional research. In this issue, we explore the emerging trend of Digital Nomadism, and the benefits and potential challenges that come along with this novel workplace arrangement with Kaila S. Jacoby and Samantha Holland.

The Academics' Forum: On Exciting “Firsts” in Academia

Dorothy R. Carter, University of Georgia

Meredith Turner 0 1872 Article rating: No rating

A few months ago, Allison Gabriel, a true SUPERSTAR academic, texted me to ask if I would be willing to take over The Academic’s Forum. For the past several years, I’ve absolutely loved hearing Allie’s perspectives on various aspects of academic life through this column, and I respect her immensely, so I said yes immediately. Then… she explained that I could think about this column as “writing a diary about going through the tenure track process, except everyone in the field is able to read it.”

On the Legal Front: Considering Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Record on Employment Law

Arturia Melson-Silimon and Nathan T. Carter, University of Georgia

Meredith Turner 0 2616 Article rating: No rating

Prior to Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation, Art Gutman wrote a piece for On the Legal Front (Gutman, 2017) dedicated to summarizing his law record as a 10th Circuit Court Judge. In conclusion, Gutman suggested that the makeup of the court would remain relatively stable with Justice Anthony Kennedy serving as the “swing vote.” Indeed, with Justice Kennedy’s recent retirement comes major implications concerning future dynamics and composition of the Court.

President's Message

Talya Bauer

Meredith Turner 0 2055 Article rating: No rating

It is hard to believe that we are already so close to another fantastic SIOP Annual Conference. As we all know, it is a huge undertaking and the crown jewel of SIOP. We cannot offer enough appreciation and thanks to the incredible SIOP program team including from left to right: Scott Tonidandel (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) as Conference Chair, Tracey Rizzuto (Louisiana State University) as Program Chair, and Elizabeth McCune (Microsoft) as Incoming Program Chair, and Tracy Kantrowitz (PDRI) as Immediate Past Program Chair (and newly elected Incoming SIOP Professional Practice Portfolio Officer). They, along with the huge overall conference team and SIOP Administrative Office, have been hard at work for months (and years) to make the conference magic happen for us all again.



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