Featured Articles

The Academics' Forum: On What to Say After an Election

Allison S. Gabriel

Meredith Turner 0 1568 Article rating: No rating

If you’re like me, the 2016 election couldn’t end fast enough—the media coverage was exhausting, social media was a battlefield, and the amount of tension was palpable in the air. I say this as a faculty member working at a university that is a blue dot in a red state. I knew that among my students—many of whom were voting in their first election—there were differences of opinions, and that sometimes the differences were very strong. I teach my two large sections of organizational behavior on Mondays and Wednesdays this semester, which meant that no matter the outcome, I would be teaching the day after the election, and I felt a responsibility to say something to my students. Often, I feel like there is this struggle we have to face as faculty when something is going on in the world—do we say something, or do we just proceed business as usual? I’ve never been much of the latter, and so it felt odd to consider not saying anything when I knew it was going to be the elephant in the room lecture hall. However, that Wednesday morning, I found myself at a loss of words for what exactly it was that I wanted to say. I began texting colleagues at my school and elsewhere, trying to get a sense for what people were going to say, or if they were going to say anything at all. It turns out that most people were in the same situation that I was, in that they wanted to speak, but the words were escaping them. It took me a couple hours that morning to figure out, but eventually I decided to just share my story in a way that I hoped wouldn’t alienate anyone in the room. I figured I’d share it here, word-for-word, in hopes that maybe the words speak to some other people out there.

From the Editor: President Trump

Tara Behrend

Meredith Turner 0 1585 Article rating: No rating

In a few weeks, we will hold an inauguration ceremony for President Donald Trump in the U.S. To be very clear, SIOP is an international and nonpartisan organization, and TIP is an international and nonpartisan publication. The views in this column are my own, and the views presented by editorial columnists are their own. Yet, regardless of nationality or political affiliation, a Trump presidency affects all scientists and practitioners of I-O psychology, and it is worth reflecting on how to make sense of the next 4 years at this moment of unbelievable upheaval. What’s more, we can reflect on what our field can do to help understand and direct what happens next.

New Local I-O Group in Los Angeles Leads With its Purpose: The People Experience Project

Nazanin Tadjbakhsh, Peter Rutigliano, and Anna Erickson

Meredith Turner 0 1433 Article rating: No rating

 “Have you ever wondered what would happen, if all the geniuses—the artists, the scientists, the smartest, most creative people in the world decided to actually change it? Where, where could they even do such a thing?” –Hugo, Tomorrowland (2015)


In recent issues of TIP, the SIOP Local I-O Groups Committee has highlighted the successes of several established local I-O groups such as METRO in New York (Shapiro, Erickson, & Farmer, 2016) and MPPAW in Minnesota (Erickson & Rutigliano, 2016). In this article, we will shift our focus to a local group that is just getting started. 

Practitioner Forum: An Update from the Professional Practice Committee

Will Shepherd

Meredith Turner 0 1581 Article rating: No rating

Greeting! My name is Will Shepherd and I have the pleasure of serving as the chair of the Professional Practice Committee (PPC). In January of 2016, James Outtz asked me to serve in this role. I was honored to be asked by Jim for whom I have great respect. He was a great I-O psychologist who cared deeply about SIOP. The PPC Chair also serves as a liaison between the committee and other committee chairs, as well as the SIOP Executive Board (EB), which includes Professional Practice Officer Rob Silzer. I appreciate the support and partnership of Rob, who is also a former PPC Chair and who has great passion for the practice of I-O psychology.

I-O Outside I-O: A Quarterly Review of Relevant Research From Other Disciplines

Mark Alan Smith and Alex Alonso

Meredith Turner 0 1705 Article rating: No rating

Do you ever read a headline in the popular press and say, “That can’t be!  Those reporters have it all wrong!?”  Do you ever receive your APA journals summary, read an abstract from a non-I-O journal, and ask yourself what that means for your practice?  Do you ever think about multidisciplinary research and examine how other disciplines look at our issues of the day?  If you answered yes to any of these questions then this column is for you.



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