Featured Articles

Personnel Psychology Call for Papers: Age and Age Differences in the Workplace

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Industrialized workforces across the world are aging and growing more age-diverse. It is estimated that by 2024, 38.2% of workers in the United States will be age 55 or older (Toossi et al., 2015). Similarly, in about half of the European Union (EU) countries more than 20% of the workforce will be older than 55 in 2035 (Aiyar, Ebeke, & Shao, 2016). At the same time, the overall labor force participation rate is declining. In the United States it is estimated that the labor force participation rate will be 61% by 2026 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). Similarly, the EU workforce is expected to decline by 4.3 million people by 2020 (Eurostat, 2017), and it is expected to shrink further by 12% in 2030 and by 33% in 2060 compared with 2009 levels (European Commission, 2010). These low rates of workforce participation along with the aging workforce strain retirement systems and other social safety net programs. For example, while there were 3.8 people of working age for every dependent person over 65 in the EU in 2002, this number fell to 3.2 people in 2015. By 2020, there will be fewer than three people of working age for every dependent person over 65 in the EU (Eurostat, 2019). To combat this strain on retirement systems, many European governments are raising their official pension age, but labor market participation continues to decrease from age 50 onwards in Europe (Eurostat, 2017). In addition, with increased retirement ages, workplaces are growing more age-diverse, with younger and older people working together more frequently than in the past (Boehm, Kunze, & Bruch, 2014; Finkelstein & Truxillo, 2013).

Register to be a Potential Reviewer for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

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On behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF), we invite you to register as a potential reviewer for the 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students pursuing research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and STEM Education at accredited, non-profit US institutions of higher education. See the Program Solicitation, NSF 19-590 for more details on GRFP. NSF seeks a diverse mix of researchers and educators from a wide range of institutions, geographic locations, and disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds to serve as reviewers.

SIOP Needs You!

Reviewers needed for SIOP 2020 submissions.

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The SIOP 2020 conference preparations are well underway and now your help is needed. Nearly 1,400 submissions will be received for consideration, and each of them will need to be reviewed by at least 3 knowledgeable academics and practitioners. The sign-up process is easy. Sign into your SIOP account and then go to https://www.siop.org/Annual-Conference. Click on “Reviewer Sign Up.” Fill out the form and submit. It’s that easy! Any SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, or Retired member can volunteer. Students Affiliates may also be reviewers provided they have successfully defended their dissertation proposals and have presented at a previous SIOP conference as first authors.

Early Career Work and Family Fellowships – Call for Applications

Early Career Work and Family Fellowships – Call for Applications

Anonym 0 2479 Article rating: 3.0

The Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) is seeking applicants for its 2020-2021 Early Career Work and Family Fellowships. The goal of the program is to help promising young scholars establish career successes, integrate them within the WFRN research community, and guide translation of their research to inform the work of decision-makers.  Fellows receive 2020 membership in the WFRN, conference registration, and $500 to attend an Early Career Fellowship Preconference (June 23, 2020) and the 2020 WFRN Conference (June 24-27, 2020) in New York City). To be eligible, candidates must have received their doctorate in 2016 or later and have yet to progress into tenured or secure senior level positions.  Information about the program can be found via this link, or apply directly here.  The deadline for applications is October 1, 2019. Questions about the program can be addressed to the program director, Lindsey Trimble O’Connor at lindsey.oconnor@csuci.edu

OPRE Grant Announcement

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The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recently published a discretionary research funding announcements titled “Secondary Analyses of Strengthening Families Datasets.” If you have questions regarding this grant announcement, please email the OPRE grant review team at SFDataAnalysis@icfi.com or call 1-877-350-5913.



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