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Editor's Column

Tara Behrend

Jim Rebar 0 2228 Article rating: No rating

I’m writing this, my first column as editor, from the conference hotel after a whirlwind annual conference. During the week, I learned just how important TIP is to SIOP members. Two stories in particular stand out to me. 1. In a preconference event, I heard a story from Walter Reichman about how he first met his longtime collaborator Stuart Carr. Walter was working as a consultant and thinking about his professional direction. He had become very interested in international development but hadn’t considered how this interest might overlap with I-O. Walter picked up the newest issue of TIP, and came across an article by Stu, entitled “I-O Psychology and Poverty Reduction—Past, Present, and Future.” Walter cold called Stu to discuss, and that meeting became the impetus for Humanitarian Work Psychology. They credit the birth of this organization and research area to meeting each other through the pages of TIP. 2. Later that same afternoon, I heard a talk from Sean Cruse. He described the process by which he obtained his current position at the United Nations Global Compact. Turns out, he first learned about the organization from an article in TIP, and he called the article’s author to find out more. That call turned into an internship, which turned into a job, which turned into a 10-year career.



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