General Procedures and Policies

The grant submission package must include a grant proposal (see formatting guidelines below). The proposal should describe how the research will have a significant impact on assessment center methods and/or the development of managers and leaders.

The principal investigator of the project must be a SIOP member (which includes Student Members) and must submit the research proposal. Proposals submitted with a Student as the principal investigator must include a letter of endorsement from a SIOP professional member.

To encourage wide participation and a large variety of individuals and institutions involved in the program, an individual can only be involved in one proposal per review cycle per grant. In addition, individuals who received a Bray-Howard Grant within the last two years are ineligible. Before submitting a grant proposal, check with each of your co-authors to ensure that neither of these requirements is being violated.

When submitting application materials, applicants will also be asked if they are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Guidelines for Proposal Budgets

The explicit policy of the Bray-Howard Grant Program is that grant funds may not be used for overhead or indirect costs. In the committee’s experience, most universities will waive overhead and indirect costs under two circumstances: (a) the grant is relatively modest in size (e.g., under $10,000), and/or (b) the awarding institution (i.e., SIOP Foundation) does not allow it. If the above statement disallowing funds to be used for overhead is insufficient,  a Chair of the  Awards Committee will provide additional documentation and evidence explicitly recognizing this policy.

The Bray-Howard Grant can be used in conjunction with other funding for a larger-scale project. In this case, the proposal should describe the scope of the entire project, the entire budget, and the portion of the budget for which SIOP award money will be spent.

In addition, grant funds should not be used to pay for ancillary costs related to the project (i.e., publication or presentations at conferences, such as open access and registration/travel costs).

Criteria for Eligibility

At least three members of the Bray-Howard Grant Subcommittee  will evaluate each grant proposal on the following criteria:

  • Has a sound technical/scientific base
  • Shows innovation and excellence
  • Has the potential for advancing the understanding of assessment center techniques, managerial or leadership development, or preferably both
  • Uses a longitudinal design where appropriate
  • Has a clearly defined project plan, defined deliverables, and budget

Call for Nominations

Format of Proposals

The proposal should adhere to APA formatting guidelines and should include the following sections:

  • Title Page (include the names of all authors of the grant proposal)
  • Abstract
  • Literature review and rationale for the project
  • Method —including information about the sample, measures, data collection strategies, and analytical strategies
  • Implications of the findings or conclusions for research and practice
  • References, Tables/Figures and Appendices
  • Project plan, defined deliverables, and budget

Proposals should not exceed 10 pages of text (this does not include: title page, abstract, references, tables and figures, and appendices). The proposal should be double spaced and use a 12-point font and 1” margins. The proposal must be a single document, either a Word document or a .pdf file.

If applicable, the names of all authors of the grant proposal must be entered during the online nomination/application process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership)

All proposals need to certify, by signature or other means, that the research will be carried out in compliance with ethical standards with regard to the treatment of human subjects (e.g., institutional review board or signed statement that the research adheres to the accepted professional standards regarding the treatment of human subjects).



All grant recipients will be required to deliver a final report to the SIOP office within 2 years of the date of the award.

Grant recipients should be aware that a synopsis of their research will be placed on the SIOP Web site. This synopsis will be of such a nature so as not to preclude subsequent publication of the research.

Recipients are encouraged to submit the results of their research for presentation at SIOP’s annual conference.

Recipients should acknowledge funding from the SIOP Foundation in any presentations or publications resulting from the grant-funded research.


Award Type

Grants & Programs, Research Grants

Previous Award Recipients

Sylvia Roch
Assessment Center Participant Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence Exercise Ratings: A Justice Perspective
Christina Lacerenza and Ziwei Cheng
Develop Me—Quickly! Introducing Leader Development Nudges as a Way to Change Behavior and Boost Sustainment of NonPrototypical Leaders
Christoph Nils Herde, Louis Hickman, Filip Lievens, and Louis Tay
Automatic Scoring of Interpersonal Assessment Center Simulations Effects of Reliability and Saturation on Validity