The Dr. Jo-Ida C. Hansen and Dr. John P. Campbell Career Achievement in Mentoring Award recognizes an individual who has contributed across their career to I-O Psychology through excellence in mentoring. 

Mentoring is an important component in the development of professionals in any field. Mentoring can take many forms and involve formal and informal mentor-mentee relationships.  Mentoring can occur in many different settings, and both academics and practitioners may be effective mentors.  For this award, the mentoring should be focused on the mentee’s development and success as an I-O psychologist. Nominees may have mentored students, early-career professionals, or colleagues in academic or practice settings.

Excellence in mentoring I-O psychologists includes (a) providing opportunities to engage in research; develop and implement evidence-based programs in organizations; make presentations; and write papers, corporate communications, and publications;(b) giving feedback and shaping behaviors that lead to professional excellence; (c) helping mentees develop professional contacts/networks and navigate organizational hierarchies; (d) nominating/endorsing mentees for professional opportunities, jobs, and awards; and (e) encouraging mentees’ involvement in professional activities.

The recipient of this award is given a plaque and cash prize of $2,000.


Administrative Procedures

  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package and recommend a winner to the SIOP Executive Board.
  • The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  • In the absence of a nominee who is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and the Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Composition of the Subcommittee

  • Subcommittee members must be SIOP Fellows, previous recipients of this award, or current SIOP members with considerable mentoring experience
  • Diversity of all types is encouraged, including non-U.S. based members.

Criteria for Eligibility

Nominees will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Excellence in mentoring support (e.g., access to professional opportunities, feedback and coaching, network development, endorsement for positions and awards, encouraging broader professional involvement)
  • The scope of the nominee’s mentoring efforts (e.g., number of mentees, length of mentoring relationships, engagement in mentoring throughout their career)
  • The impact of the nominee’s mentoring relationships on mentees’ achievements and contributions to I-O psychology (e.g., job positions and work settings; awards, appointments, elections, and recognitions; contributions to I-O science and/or practice and to SIOP)

Call for Nominations

Nomination Guidelines

  • A nomination letter by a SIOP member is required. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only SIOP members may be nominated for the award.
  • Nominees may be practitioners or academics.
  • The nomination package should also include: a self-statement regarding mentoring activities and three to five testimonial letters from mentees.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee is being investigated, or has been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.

Current Award Recipients

Rick Jacobs, PhD

Award Type

Distinguished & Career Awards