The Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment recognizes a written work with high potential to further the understanding and practice of individual or group assessment in the workplace, especially when such assessment supports the creation of a diverse workforce.

P. Richard Jeanneret's headshotThe work can be documented in a variety of formats (e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, conference proceedings, or online publications). To be considered for the award, the work must have been produced within the last three calendar years.

Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).

Administrative Procedures

  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  • The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  • The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  • In the absence of a work that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.

Criteria for Eligibility

Nominations will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  • The work has a sound scientific base, or otherwise incorporates a scientific perspective.
  • The work illustrates innovation and excellence in the field of industrial-organizational psychology.
  • The work advances the understanding and practice of individual or group assessment, particularly new assessment techniques that promote a diverse work force.

Call for Nominations

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only written works completed and dated in the previous three calendar years (2021-2023) are eligible for the award. Online first publication dates should not be used in determining a publication’s eligibility for the award (with the exception of works that are only published online).
  • Works having multiple authors are acceptable. At least one team member must be a SIOP member.
  • If applicable, the names of all authors must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the work meets the evaluation criteria noted below.
  • The nomination letter and the nominated work must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.

Current Award Recipients

Zhang, N., Wang, M., Xu, H., Koenig, N., Hickman, L., Kuruzovich, J., Ng, V., Arhin, K., Wilson, D., Song, Q.C., Tang, C., Alexander, L., & Kim, Y.
Reducing subgroup differences in personnel selection through the application of machine learning. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1125-1159.

Award Type

Achievement & Best Paper Awards

Previous Award Recipients

Hickman, L., Bosch, N., Ng, V., Saef, R., Tay, L., & Woo, S. E. (2022). Automated video interview personality assessments: Reliability, validity, and generalizability investigations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(8), 1323-1351
Virginia Tech
Charlene Zhang, Paul R. Sackett, and Bobby D. Naemi
Adam Meade, Gabriel Pappalardo, Phillip Braddy, and John Fleenor
Center for Creative Leadership