If you are a current Student member of SIOP who a speaker for an accepted submission to the SIOP Annual Conference is, please consider applying for the SIOP Student Travel Award.


The purpose of the travel award program is to help psychology graduate students travel to the Annual SIOP Conference, present their work, and participate in the 3-day conference. SIOP will provide eligible SIOP members $500 each to support costs associated with their attendance at the SIOP Annual Conference. The Awards Committee appoints a subcommittee to review and evaluated the eligibility and quality of applicants, and decide the award recipients.


Application Procedure

Applications will be accepted until January 31st, 2025. The subcommittee will examine all applications for eligibility and preference criteria described below.

Criteria for Eligibility

Prioritization for Selection

The Travel Award Subcommittee will examine all applications for eligibility based on the criterion listed below and the following required documents:

  • Complete the Student Travel Award Application form. This form should be downloaded. Once complete, the applicant should return to the award application and the endorsement letter from the program representative via email to the Awards Committee staff liaison, Heather Flattery, at hflattery@siop.org
  • Career type: academic or applied
  • University Affiliation and address
  • Degree program
  • Degree type
  • Expected graduation date
  • Honors/Awards
  • Grade point average
  • Research experience
  • Upcoming conference accepted contributions
  • Contributions to articles, book chapters, conference presentations, etc.
  • Practical experience: internships, applied projects, teaching experience
  • Projected travel expenses
  • One-page maximum letter of endorsement from the program representative stating the applicant is 1 of the 2 endorsed students and attesting to the student’s standing in the program

Grant recipients will be announced no later than February 21st, 2025.


To be eligible to receive funds, an applicant must:

  • Applicants must be in good standing in a graduate program related to I-O psychology at a regionally accredited university or college
  • Applicants must be student members of SIOP. Students who are not members must apply for affiliation when submitting materials for the Travel Award.
  • Applicants must be a first author, co-chair, panelist, discussant, or presenter on at least one accepted submission of any type to the SIOP conference program.
  • Each university or department may endorse no more than two students for the travel award. If more than two students from a department wish to apply for these funds, the department must perform an initial screening and provide endorsement letters to only two students. By endorsing an application, departments are confirming that the student is in good standing.

Award Type

Conference Awards