The 2025 SIOP Lee Hakel Doctoral Consortium will be held April 2nd and is open to doctoral students who have passed comprehensive exams (or their program’s equivalent) but have not defended their dissertation. Session content will be available for students pursuing both academic or practitioner roles.

Schedule (all times MT)

Please note that the schedule and content are subject to change.

Wednesday, April 2 

9 a.m. SIOP Consortium Welcome: Welcome reception presented by conference organizers, including light refreshments.

9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Navigating the Dissertation Process (presentations):

Recent recipient of Lee Hakel Graduate Student Dissertation Award Felix Wu (HumRRO) and recipient of SIOP Graduate Student Dissertation Scholarship Wiston Rodriguez (San Diego State University) will be sharing their dissertation experience and giving advice to current students. Our presenters chose different career path upon graduation. Come see what invaluable perspectives they will offer!  

11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Acing the Job Market (panel discussions): 

In this session, students who plan to pursue a career in academia and students who plan to pursue a career in industry will attend separate job market sessions. Both sessions will include speakers with extensive experience with and insights into their respective job markets. The academic-oriented panel will include Danielle King (Rice University), Louis Tay (Purdue University), Gwen Fisher (Colorado State University), Jim Jawahar (University of New Mexico), and Mia Tran (Salem State University). The practice-oriented panel will include Stefanie Shaughnessy (Army Research Institute), Tunji Oki (Google), Kian Betancourt (BetterUp), Courtney Bryant Shelby (Ford), and Emily Killham (Perceptyx).

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Break for Lunch: Lunch provided for consortia registrants.

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Communicating I-O (Interactive session):

Effectively communicating I-O psychology concepts to non-I-O stakeholders is essential for advancing the field and driving meaningful impact. In this session, Lori Foster (North Carolina State University) and Laura Pineault (McKinsey & Co) will share their unique experiences and insights on bridging this communication gap. Following these presentations, attendees will engage in a hands-on exercise to practice translating their research into actionable, audience-friendly insights. 

3 p.m. Refreshment Break: Light refreshments provided by SIOP.

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) Responding to Reviewers Bootcamp: Details will be provided after registration.

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Getting your Foot in the Door (Workshop): Details will be provided after registration.


Daniel Ravid


2025 Annual Conference, Events & Education


April 2, 2025



Registration Deadline

March 19, 2025

Delivery Type
