Elections Committee
The Elections Committee ensures the procedures of the annual Executive Board nomination and elections are executed to the highest standard. The committee is comprised of the President-Elect and Chief Executive Officer, with the support of SIOP staff. There are no volunteer roles for this committee.
Leadership: Chair
Membership types: Member, Fellow, Retired
Volunteer sign-up: None
History Committee
The History Committee is responsible for preserving the Society’s history. The committee’s core work involved communicating, documenting, and preserving the historical records. Volunteers who serve on this committee will have an enjoyable experience if they are interested in retaining and sharing the journey of the organization.
Leadership: Chair, Chair-in-Training
Membership types: Student, Associate, Member, Fellow, Retired
Volunteer sign-up: SVS
Institutional Research Committee
SIOP’s Institutional Research Committee is responsible for maximizing the value of surveys given to SIOP members through their definitions of archiving, accessing, and using this survey data. The committee’s work focuses on review of all surveys of membership, administering and summarizing the triennial Salary Survey, and guides data archival processes. Volunteers with experience in working with or serving on a university IRB and those with survey backgrounds or interest will be best suited to support this committee.
Leadership: Chair, Chair-in-Training
Membership types: Student, Associate, Member, Fellow, Retired
Volunteer sign-up: SVS
Publications Board
The Publications Board comprises the editors of the IOP Journal, TIP, Organizational Frontiers Series, Professional Practices Series, and the Organizational Science, Translation, and Application Series, along with the Publications Officer. These editors share processes and insights to maintain rigor in their publications.
Site Selection Committee
The Site Selection Committee decides on the destination and venue for future SIOP Annual Conferences. Their core work includes visiting the potential sites, proposing a selection to the Executive Board for approval, and monitoring the contracted site for any changes as the conference dates approach. Volunteers who serve on this committee are those who have deep, broad experience relating to the planning of previous SIOP Annual Conferences.
Leadership: Chair
Membership types: Member, Fellow, Retired
Volunteer sign-up: Volunteers interested in this committee with extensive relevant experience should reach out to the current Site Selection Committee Chair to learn of open roles.
Support, Planning, and Research ad hoc Committee (SPARC)
This Support, Planning, and Research ad hoc Committee responds to specific policy inquiries or provides reports relevant to the Society at the request of the Executive Board. The specific core work of this committee is dependent upon the needs of the Executive Board, but typically includes policy review, surveys of membership, summary reporting, and recommendations that can be provided in a timely fashion. Volunteers for this committee are selected by the President-Elect and serve 5-year terms.
Leadership: Chair
Membership types: Member, Fellow, Retired
Volunteer sign-up: None