Dr. Jaclyn (Jackie) Koopmann is a tenured Globe Life Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Auburn University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida. She has served on the Doctoral Program Committee since 2022 at Auburn University and she actively mentors doctoral students in their program.
Jackie’s research interests include teams, occupational health (including employee health conditions and behaviors), and mistreatment within the customer service context. Her work has been published in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. She also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology. She has received numerous awards and recognition from national conferences and Auburn University for her research achievements. Her work has also been cited in popular media outlets, such as U.S. News, The New York Post, and Fortune.
In terms of her service to SIOP, Jackie currently serves on the Awards leadership team, as chair-in-training in the 2024 cycle and as co-chair of the Scholarships and Grants Awards in the 2025 cycle. In these roles, she has been a part of the Membership Services portfolio and has worked closely with SIOP staff and numerous other committees to ensure that student scholarships and grants award processes and recognition have run smoothly. Jackie also served as a member (2022) and chair (2023) of the Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment Subcommittee.
Goals Statement:
I would be honored to serve as the Instructional and Educational Portfolio Officer. On the SIOP Awards Committee leadership team, I have had experience communicating with various committees, including conference programming, Membership Analytics, as well as CEMA and WIN to educate graduate students on scholarships and grants available to help fund their training as future I-O psychologists. I look forward to serving SIOP and the broader profession through educational programs that can support current and future I-O psychologists. My goals for the Instructional and Education Portfolio include:
- I will ensure a continued supply of I-O psychology professionals ready to tackle modern business issues (SIOP Strategic Goals 1-2). As part of this effort, I will focus on programs intended to introduce undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to I-O psychology and the field’s emerging topics likely critical for future I-O careers and effective dissemination to external stakeholders (SIOP Strategic Goal 4).
- I will ensure that continuing education programs are ready to support I-O psychologists at various career stages seeking to integrate the latest I-O evidence-based management practices into their knowledge base. I will build in virtual events that can better fiscally support SIOP, energize a diverse set of members to engage with SIOP, and facilitate cross-industry conversations (SIOP Strategic Goals 2-4).
- I will support traditional and non-traditional I-O psychology programs, aiming to better serve their unique recruitment, training, and other student needs, including where SIOP can develop programs that facilitate professional development and career outcomes (SIOP Strategic Goal 4).