
My name is Mark Frame, and I am a Professor of Psychology at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). I teach General Psychology courses and Industrial and Organizational Psychology courses for the Graduate and Undergraduate programs. I’m also a Senior Consultant for the MTSU Center for Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness (COHRE).

I earned a Ph.D. in I-O Psychology from the Illinois Institute of Technology and my bachelor’s degree from the University of New Orleans. My dissertation research examining gender and executive performance ratings was awarded the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD now ATD) Dissertation of the Year Award in 2004.

SIOP has been an influential part of my life for three decades, and I have served SIOP in several roles including SIOP Conference Consortia Committee ChairSIOP Junior Faculty Consortium ChairSIOP Conference Planning Committee, the SIOP Professional Practice Committee on Learning Resources, and the SIOP Task Force to Identify Core Audiences and Build Personas.

In my career I have been affiliated with SIOPAssociation for Psychological ScienceAmerican Psychological AssociationAssociation for Talent Development (ATD), Society for Human Resource ManagementAcademy of Management, and several regional and local professional organizations. I have also worked as a consultant with organizations ranging from nuclear power companies to a Department of Children’s Services. My position as an educator has helped me to be successful in a variety of roles because I am able to understand and solve problems by asking questions, making connections, and translating science to create win-win solutions.


Goals Statement:

While all of SIOPs Strategic Goals are important, the External Affairs Officer relates most closely with SIOPs first Strategic Goal. This goal involves SIOP working with other communities and organizations to identify and address real-world problems and to apply scientific knowledge to promote the heath and effectiveness of people and organizations.

As the SIOP External Affairs Officer, I will:

  • Work with SIOP leadership and members to strengthen and broaden the relationship between SIOP and other APA Divisions, SHRM, ATD, APS, NIOSH, and international I-O organizations such as EAWOP, British Psychological Society, SIOPSA, and others to make progress on the SIOP objectives related to that strategic goal.
  • Work with SIOP members and leadership to understand and confront issues related to the overall well-being, mental and physical health, and performance and effectiveness of workers and the organizations to which they belong.
  • Work with a diverse and cross-disciplinary team to create useful resources that convey the knowledge and best practices of SIOP and other organizations in everyday language that is easily understood by the audiences that can benefit from the resources.
  • Work with SIOP leadership and members to create training, aids, and tools that will assist SIOP members and members of other organizations to communicate effectively one-on-one and in broader settings with government leadership and agencies, corporate and business leaders, various forms or media, and peers.
  • Build and enhance sustainable relationships with relevant SIOP partners to effectively establish SIOP as the authoritative source of knowledge about work and workers.