SIOP hosted its first in-person annual conference since 2019 in Seattle last month. And for the first time ever, the Society offered its nearly 9,000 members both a virtual and in-person event.

Over 4-plus weeks, more than 4,000 registrants explored virtual and in-person professional development opportunities, 200 in-person presentations, and more than 500 research posters. More than 3,000 registrants attended in person.

“There was incredible energy in Seattle,” said Conference Chair Scott Tonidandel. “After two years of having to cancel our in-person event, you could just feel the excitement. Attendees were once again able to reconnect with colleagues, friends, and acquaintances from around the world, and you could see firsthand the passion we all share for the science and practice of I-O. Being able to do that face-to-face was a real joy.”

Both virtual and in-person registrants had access to select recordings and materials on Whova in the week following the in-person event. This gave participants additional time to engage with sessions they might have missed, or that they wanted to re-watch, on their own schedule.

“Our driving purpose in offering both modalities was to increase the accessibility of our science and practice to a broader audience, to better include those who could not and might never attend in-person, to broaden the access of I-O psychology outside of our field, and to avoid anyone feeling left out of the I-O community who wants to be part of it,” said 2022 Program Chair Richard Landers. “And given that, we were especially pleased then to see a bigger turnout than we expected in both virtual and in-person registrations.”

This year’s conference included a few other notable changes including a virtual Conference Kickoff, holding the Opening Plenary on Wednesday night, leading into the Welcome Reception, and the opportunity for registrants to attend some Preconference Workshops, Consortia, and Advanced Professional Development without coming early to the in-person event.

“There was great enthusiasm among the community who gathered in Seattle for the Opening Plenary to celebrate SIOP’s highest honors,” said 2022 Conference Chair Whitney Botsford Morgan. “We also saw that enthusiasm at our in-person closing event, which featured lunch stations serving local favorites and entertainment from the Pike Place Market fishmongers and local artisans offering their creations for sale.”

SIOP thanks the 18 partners who supported this year’s conference:

  • Platinum Partners Hogan and SHL
  • Gold Partners Code Signal, Medallia, Modern Hire, Perceptyx, and Talogy
  • Silver Partners Amazon, Aon, AuctusIQ, BTS, Criteria Corp, DDI, Parrot, Pearson Vue, Quintela, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and Sova Assessment

Planning for the 2023 SIOP Annual Conference is already underway and the Conference Committee will hold its summer meeting in July. More details about the look ahead to 2023 will be shared this fall.

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