In addition to learning about contemporary talent assessment research and hearing guidance on how organizations can chart a course forward, attendees of the 2023 SIOP Leading Edge Consortium can also choose to register for one or more of three virtual preconsortium workshops.

Talent Assessment Strategies for the Future will provide a timely, dynamic look at talent assessment science and practice. These workshops will provide a deeper dive into this topic. CE credit will be available.

  • Virtual Workshop 1: Strategies to Maximize Diversity and Validity Outcomes of Talent Assessment Programs
    Wednesday, September 20, 1-5 p.m. ET
  • Virtual Workshop 2: Demystifying AI Assessments and Bias Audits
    Tuesday, September 26, 1-5 p.m. ET
  • Virtual Workshop 3: Evolving Leadership Assessment: Strategies for Success in Today’s Dynamic Landscape
    Wednesday, September 27, 1-5 p.m. ET

Abstract and speaker information is available on the Workshop webpage.

Workshops are only open to LEC registrants; you can register for a workshop when you register for the LEC. If you have already registered for the LEC, you can go back and add a workshop by logging into your SIOP account.

If you would like to gain a current understanding of the state of assessment science or learn how organizations are implementing and evolving their assessment practices for the future, join us Thursday, Oct. 5 and Friday, Oct. 6, 2023, at the Warwick Hotel Philadelphia, and virtually in September, for this dynamic look at talent assessment science and practice.

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Talent Assessment