The American Psychological Association (APA) apportionment election is underway with ballots being sent to voting eligible APA members last month. If you have submitted your ballot, thank you for your participation! If you haven’t, please take a moment to help expand the visibility of I-O psychology within the APA by allocating all 10 of your votes to Division 14 (SIOP).
SIOP lost an apportionment seat in the 2022 election, leaving the 2023 Council of Representatives with three Division 14 seats instead of four. In 2023, we were able to secure a fourth seat once again for the 2024 Council of Representatives. Your vote is essential to ensuring we keep this seat for future Council of Representatives.
The apportionment ballot asks you to allocate 10 votes among the divisions and state associations with which you are affiliated. These votes are used to determine how many seats each division and state association receives on the APA Council of Representatives. Please allocate as many of your votes as possible to Division 14/SIOP.
The APA Council of Representatives makes decisions about many items of critical interest to SIOP members, including practice issues, advocacy, the science agenda, and research funding. The more representatives we have, the stronger our voice in APA and the better we can ensure that APA’s activities and spending consider our specific needs.
If you have questions about your ballot, please contact APA at
Help increase the presence of applied psychology within the APA by submitting your apportionment ballot before 11:59 p.m. ET December 16, 2024.
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APA (American Psychological Association), Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Guidelines and Policies, Surveys