The 2024 SIOP Annual Conference will include the high-quality, peer-reviewed content, diversity of perspectives and topics areas, and blend of science and practice you expect, along with receptions, coffee breaks, and the exhibit hall, but don’t forget to note the following special events as you make your conference plans:

  • SIOP’s Got Talent (In-Person, TBD)
    Thursday, April 18, 6-8 p.m. CT
    What’s an organizational scientist’s favorite chewing gum flavor?
    If you’ve got funnier jokes than the one above up your sleeve, then you’re in luck! Presenting an exciting opportunity to show off your humorous observations, soul-stirring melodies, powerful prose, literary works, or other talents to your fellow I-O psychologists, consider signing up for SIOP’s Got Talent! More details to come, but you don’t want to miss the social event of the year at this year’s annual conference in Chicago!
  • Opening Plenary (Livestreamed and Hyatt Regency)
    Wednesday, April 17, 7-8 p.m. CT
    The Opening Plenary will be in person, honoring SIOP’s highest awards and introducing the newest SIOP Fellows. This event will also feature Tara Behrend’s Presidential Address.
  • Welcome Reception and Top Poster Display (In-Person, Hyatt)
    Wednesday, April 17, 8-9:30 p.m. CT
    The Welcome Reception and Top Poster Display directly follows the Opening Plenary. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages while perusing the top poster submissions, reuniting with old friends, and making new ones!
  • Virtual I-O Bingo
    Thursday, April 18, noon to 1 p.m. CT
    Open to in-person and virtual conference attendees. More details to come.
  • Virtual Networking
    Friday, April 19, noon to 1 p.m. CT
    Open to in-person and virtual conference attendees. More details to come.
  • Closing Message (Virtual on Whova)
    Saturday, April 20
    A video from incoming President Alexis Fink will be available on the Whova virtual conference platform for on-demand viewing.
  • Closing Event (In-Person, TBD)
    Saturday, April 20, 4-5 p.m. CT
    Please join us for a family-friendly closing event where we will celebrate the new learnings and connections made with food and fun! Details to come closer to the event.

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2024 Annual Conference, Events & Education