The SIOP Education and Training Online Programs Subcommittee is hosting a free, virtual workshop for I-O psychology graduate students and faculty April 6.

Engaging in the Field of I-O features keynote speaker Dr. Richard Landers, the John P. Campbell Distinguished Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. In this session, attendees will review tips for various ways to meaningfully engage in the field of I-O, from conferences to local I-O groups to social media communities. The SIOP Annual Conference and other SIOP website resources for engaging with the field will be introduced and described to provide attendees with additional insight into the benefits of pursuing these avenues.

The goal of this workshop, which will include skill-building activities, is to help attendees find ways to more deeply connect with the field based on their unique interests and experiences with I-O.

Engaging in the Field of I-O
7-8:30 p.m. ET Thursday, April 6, 2023

This workshop is the fourth in a series designed to help connect I-O graduate students, particularly those in online graduate programs, to the greater I-O community through engagement with keynote speakers, alumni panelists, skill-building sessions, and other networking opportunities. The recordings from the Resources for I-O Graduate Programs session, the Finding Career Opportunities in I-O Psychology and Related Fields, and the Building Social and Professional Connections in I-O, are available online.

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Committees, I-O Careers