Toxicity in the workplace can severely affect employee morale, hinder productivity, and compromise the overall well-being of an organization. Recognizing the significance of this issue, the SIOP Work Smart Series workshop Combating the Toxic Workplace will provide a comprehensive exploration of how to identify and confront toxic behaviors and practices.
Join us 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 13, in transforming your work environment into one that promotes well-being and productivity for all. Speakers Clair Reynolds Kueny, work behavior expert, and C. Allen Gorman, leadership and human resource management expert, will introduce evidence-based strategies that can be implemented to address these challenges effectively.
Attendees will leave this workshop able to:
- identify five key indicators of a toxic work environment
- explain the effects of workplace toxicity on work outcomes
- apply two practical tools and strategies to address workplace toxicity
- describe three ways to promote a healthy and inclusive workplace culture
By prioritizing these approaches, organizations can not only mitigate the impact of toxicity but also enhance employee satisfaction and drive overall success.
Post Type
Events & Education, SIOP Work Smart Series, Webinars, Work Smart Series, Workplace Culture