The 2023 APA Convention is being held in Washington, DC from August 3-5. The program for this event has been announced and several SIOP members will be presenting, including a presidential address on the Future of Work by SIOP/APA Division 14 President Tara Behrend. Addressing mental health, creating agile organizations, and increasing engagement in hybrid work environments are just a few of the topics being discussed. See the full schedule of I-O psychology and related content.
“Division 14 convention highlights include cutting-edge thinking from research and industry leaders on organizational and worker well-being. CEOs will share perspectives on organizational resilience and agility, as well as their thoughts on supporting worker mental health and well-being,” said SIOP Program APA Committee Chair Alyssa McGonagle. “In addition, leading researchers will join a James Beard award-winning chef and others to share innovative approaches to supporting worker mental health in the food and beverage industry. We will also hear from our SIOP president about increasing the rigor, relevance, and reach of our science. On behalf of the program committee, we hope to see you there!”
Register now for access to insight from thought leaders in the field.
There will also be a social event for SIOP members held at Chaplin’s DC from 4 to 6 p.m. ET on Thursday, August 3. The social event will be open to all, not just APA convention registrants. If you are in the area, please stop by to catch up with friends and make new connections!
APA Convention information is available online.
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Allied Organizations, APA (American Psychological Association)