SIOP is soliciting nominations for the next editor of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP). Today, TIP provides news, research, reports, and noncommercial information related to the practice, science, and teaching of I-O psychology, with four issues published per year (January, April, July, and October). SIOP is reimagining TIP to ensure that it remains valuable and relevant to our members, making this a great opportunity for the next editor to have a significant and lasting impact on SIOP.

Nominations, including self-nominations, with appropriate submission materials outlined below, should be sent via email by January 31, 2024, to Liberty Munson (, SIOP Communications Portfolio Officer.

What to expect in this role?
The incoming editor will work closely with an advisory task force (comprised of the outgoing editor, editorial board, and members of the Executive Board and Visibility committee) to shape the future of TIP. This is a unique opportunity for someone to collaboratively build and execute a vision for SIOP’s strategic communication efforts.

The TIP editor serves a 3-year term, plus one “in-training” year with the current editor.

During the first year, the editor-in-training will work with the outgoing editor to survey SIOP members and TIP readership to understand the content, format, and frequency of communication that is most valuable to members. The incoming editor will be responsible for working closely with the TIP Task Force to lead this transition and align the publication with SIOP’s strategic communications plan and member benefits.

Requirements for TIP Editor
Nominees must be a SIOP Member or Fellow. Self-nominations as well as nominations by any SIOP Member or Fellow are welcome.

Nominees should have:

  1. A broad knowledge of the goals and activities of SIOP members, officers, committees, and SIOP staff;
  2. A strong interest in defining, shaping, and implementing the future of TIP;
  3. Ability to generate and implement new ideas for communicating news, information, and trends in I-O psychology;
  4. Knowledge of trends and interests related to the science, practice, and teaching of I-O psychology, encompassing the opinions and interests of both teachers and students;
  5. Strong attention to detail and organizational skills;
  6. Ability to solicit high-quality contributions from SIOP members; and
  7. Ability to coordinate with the SIOP president, officers, committee chairs, CEO, and SIOP staff.

Prior editorial experience with a strong publication history is preferred.

Nomination Submission Requirements
Each submission should include a current CV, a statement describing the nominee’s vision for TIP, and two letters of recommendation from SIOP Members or Fellows.

If you are interested in serving as TIP editor or know someone who might be, submit the nomination to Liberty Munson before January 31, 2024,

If you are interested in learning more about the editor role and the opportunity to shape the future of TIP, contact the current Editor, Adriane Sanders (, or Liberty Munson (

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Leadership, Membership, Publications