Would you like to advance your career while helping the SIOP community as well as the field of I-O psychology? If so, we invite you to consider joining a SIOP committee.

Committee volunteerism is an important way to derive real value from your membership. Why should you consider serving on a SIOP committee?

  1. You will develop new personal and professional relationships and enrich your knowledge of the profession while collaborating with current and future I-O psychology thought leaders.
  2. Your volunteer work advances the profession of I-O psychology by raising public awareness of its value to the business community and to the public at large.
  3. You can assist SIOP in providing even greater value for your fellow members by helping keep their needs in clear focus.
  4. Working within the committee structure is a great way to develop your leadership skills and train for possible future leadership roles within the organization as well as in your career.

How to volunteer for a committee (new or continuing on your current committee):

  • You must first renew your membership for the 2023 dues year, if you have not already done so.
    We also recommend updating your membership profile to provide a more descriptive explanation of your qualifications to the chairs of those committees in which you are interested. Add a resume or bio, plus your interest areas, for example.
  • Navigate to the SIOP Volunteer System (SVS) to volunteer for a committee. 
    We recommend selecting one committee that you are most interested in to begin with (even though the system allows you to select up to three).

A complete list of SIOP committee descriptions can be found here.

Committee chairs will begin selecting their members immediately. Please make your volunteer selections as soon as possible to be considered for committee placement. The system will close on June 30, but some committees may be filled before then.

Note that some committees, including Awards, do not use this selection process, so not all committees will appear as available at this time. Note that members may only serve on one Standing Committee plus one Awards or Ad Hoc committee during the year.

Thank you for considering service as a SIOP committee volunteer!

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