SIOP staff have been working behind the scenes to build a new membership portal and new SIOP website to better serve SIOP members and stakeholders interested in I-O psychology. We will launch these resources January 15 and are excited about the new features that will be available when the systems come online.

The new membership portal features a more intuitive interface, which will allow members to navigate the system easier than in the past. More automation will also allow members to complete tasks, including updating their profiles and registering for events, quicker.

More intuitive organization, easier navigation, and a robust search engine are just three of the features users will likely appreciate with the new website.

The new systems also interact seamlessly with each other, allowing users to complete actions quicker with fewer steps. Additional features will be unveiled into 2025, so keep an eye out for more information in the months to come.

We are working diligently to keep disruptions to a minimum, but as with any major technology overhaul, there are bound to be some delays and outages. Once the systems are fully operational, current members will be able to access their account and anything behind the website login, including dues, donations, and registration; member upgrades will resume; and new applications will be accepted.

More information, including navigation tips, will be shared in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out here in the Source and on our website for these helpful resources.

Please scroll our list of FAQs for answers to questions about these upgrades. If you have a question that is not addressed in the FAQ, please email Thank you for your patience as we work to update the membership portal and SIOP website to better serve you.

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Technological Changes