On Wednesday, November 9, I-O professionals with coaching expertise Jeffrey C. Quinn, Gordon Curphy, Carol Braddick, Alex Haitoglou, and Ali O’Malley will bring their knowledge together for the next session in the SIOP Work Smart Series, Coaching Trends: Passing Fads or Future Fixtures?

The demand for coaching in the talent management space is growing at an extraordinary rate. Clients are also more sophisticated than ever before and expect coaching to be supported by science, rigor, and evidence of measurable impact. At the same time, coaching is evolving in promising new directions that are exciting but can prove challenging to evaluate.

This session of SIOP’s Work Smart Series will equip you to:

  • Identify at least 3 key trends impacting coaching now and in the future.
  • Assess the role of technology in enabling effective coaching.
  • Recognize when team coaching may be an effective intervention in addition to or instead of individual coaching.
  • Use current research to implement processes for measuring the impact of coaching.
  • Compare measurement strategies for evaluating coaching success.
  • Demonstrate the value of coaching to organizational stakeholders.
  • Describe how to apply emerging knowledge to increase the effectiveness of coaching in their organization or coaching practice.

Coaching is a rapidly expanding field as more organizations and individuals are finding this type of support crucial to meeting long-term or short-term goals. Given this specialty is ever-changing, determining what advice will continue to be best practice and what could be considered ineffective over time can be complicated.

"The Great R" piechart, representing Friday Seminars, Pre-Conference Workshops, and Work Smart Series

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Events & Education, Webinars, Work Smart Series