Submitted by the SIOP Committee for Ethnic and Minority Affairs and the Education and Training Mentoring Subcommittee

The SIOP Committee for Ethnic and Minority Affairs and the Education and Training Mentoring Subcommittee are launching their fourth mentoring cohort, developed to provide 10 months of targeted support for ethnic minority students, in March.

To participate in the Advance, Engage, and Mentor Program as a protégé or mentor, you will be asked to commit 1-2 hours per month for 10 months (from March 2022 through December 2022) to the mentoring program. The program will begin with an orientation and training for mentors and protégés in early April, followed by a midpoint event in August 2022 and a closeout event in December 2022. During the 10-month program, participants will be expected to meet monthly with their mentoring partner to discuss topics such as research, their own career advancement, and/or skill building.

Providing mentoring support to all graduate students from underrepresented ethnic groups in SIOP and I-O psychology is a priority of the program. If you would like to participate as a protégé, please click here to register by March 9, 2022.

SIOP members—from all ethnic backgrounds, professions, and ranks—are encouraged to participate as mentors. If you would like to participate as a mentor, please click here to register by March 9, 2022, and feel free to share the registration link with your colleagues and friends within SIOP. Thank you for your willingness to graciously serve as a mentor in the program! It is because of your volunteerism that CEMA can offer such a unique opportunity to our ethnic minority students.

For more information, contact

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