SIOP’s Diversifying I-O Psychology (DIP) Program will begin its 3rd year next month with a virtual conference designed to heighten awareness about I-O psychology among undergraduate students. The DIP mission is to increase diversity within the field of I-O psychology, and ultimately SIOP, by increasing the diversity of students who are applying to and accepted into funded I-O doctoral programs.

The virtual conference will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET, Nov. 6 and 7. Attendees can register for this Zoom event on the DIP webpage.

Day 1 of the DIP virtual conference will focus on the I-O PhD experience. Attendees will hear from distinguished speakers about what a career in I-O psychology is like, how to pursue a career in I-O psychology, and what a PhD program involves.

Day 2 will focus on the application process, including how to find programs that are a good fit, the application itself, interviewing, and preparing to start the program. You are encouraged to attend both days, especially if you are interested in applying to become a DIP scholar.

If you know an undergraduate student who could benefit from this free, virtual conference, encourage them to learn more and register by visiting the DIP webpage. We especially encourage racially or ethnically minoritized students to attend as our speakers will address topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

A select group of conference participants will have the opportunity to continue onto Phases 2 and 3 of the DIP program as a scholar. Phase 2 is a research experience to take place in early 2024 and Phase 3 is a conference immersion opportunity to take place at the 2024 SIOP Annual Conference in April.


The DIP Program was introduced in 2021 after being unanimously approved by the SIOP Executive Board as a pipeline program to support undergraduate students interested in I-O Psychology. SIOP Diversity and Inclusion Officer Derek Avery, one of the leading advocates for this program, shared that Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) data collected via the National Science Foundation show that in 2019, 183 respondents reported earning a doctorate in I-O psychology. Of these respondents, approximately 10% were Black, 10% Hispanic, and less than 1% American Indian or Alaska Native. Each of these percentages is less than their respective percentages in the U.S. population. The DIP phase program helps support equity to address racial minority underrepresentation in funded I-O doctoral programs by focusing on Black, Latinx/Hispanic, and Native American undergraduate students.

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2024 Annual Conference, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Events & Education