Today is the deadline to sign up to review proposals for the 2024 SIOP Annual Conference! We need members like you to volunteer as reviewers to ensure a high-quality program. The more reviewers we have, the more distributed the workload will be. We need plenty of both practitioners and academics! Please encourage your colleagues to sign up!

Sign up to be a reviewer
by 5 p.m. ET TODAY

It takes less than a minute to sign up as a reviewer, and you will only need to set aside 2-3 hours in November to complete your reviews. See below for more information about the review process, who is eligible, and what to expect.

Thank you for lending your time and expertise to serve SIOP and our profession in this critical role!

Vivian A. Woo
SIOP 2024 Program Chair

Who is eligible to review?

  • All current SIOP Fellows, Members, Associates, and Retired members are eligible to serve as reviewers.
  • Student affiliates who have submitted a proposal to the SIOP conference that was accepted are also eligible.

Why should I serve as a reviewer?

  • You will play a key role in helping us to fill the conference program with valuable, compelling content. Peer review is a critical part of the scientific process and helps to ensure that the content accepted to the conference represents high quality work in both science and practice.
  • Reviewers can be proud of their contribution to our profession and the I-O community. As a token of gratitude and recognition, names of reviewers are published on the conference website.

What is expected of me as a reviewer?

  • In November, you will be assigned 3-5 submissions and will have at least 3 weeks to complete your reviews. We make every attempt to assign you submissions that fall within the content area(s) you select in the sign-up process, and we also aim to evenly distribute session types across reviewers.
  • Reviewers typically spend 20-45 minutes on each submission, so we ask that you plan for approximately 2 hours to complete your reviews. Some will need less time; some will need more.
  • You will be asked to provide both number ratings and written comments on the submissions through the online submission review form.

For technical questions about reviewer registration, email Larry Nader from SIOP Staff. For other questions, please email


2024 Annual Conference, Events & Education, Membership