SIOP Fellowship nominations are due Nov. 1. Now is the time to complete nominations currently in progress.
SIOP Fellowship is one of the highest honors a member can receive. Nominees can come from all I-O areas and from all employment settings. SIOP recognizes several bases for Fellowship: research, teaching, practice, administration, and professional service; the common criterion in every case is “demonstrated outstanding contribution.”
Fellowship nominee requirements include:
- Must be a current Society Member at the time of nomination and for the previous 2 years.
- Must have accumulated a minimum of 10 years of professional membership, inclusive of the year in which the candidate is nominated.
- Must have evidence that the individual’s contributions have had meaningful, sustained, and unusual impact on the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
- Must be nominated by other Members or Fellows. Self-nomination is not permitted.
Visit the SIOP website for detailed procedures for nominating SIOP Fellows. Then log in to complete the nomination process for a deserving colleague. Nominations will be accepted through midnight ET, Tuesday, Nov. 1.
The Fellowship Committee reviews all candidates and makes its recommendations to the SIOP Executive Board. New Fellows will be recognized in 2023.
For additional information or clarification, please email
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