Volunteering on a SIOP committee adds a new layer of benefits to your SIOP membership that can’t be accessed anywhere else. Not only does volunteering on a committee come with a built-in network of thought leaders in the I-O psychology profession, but the work simultaneously enhances your knowledge of I-O while also allowing you to gain new skills in a unique environment.
The deadline to sign up to volunteer on a SIOP committee is Friday, June 30, but some committee seats fill up sooner. If you are interested in volunteering, follow these steps to sign up at your earliest convenience:
- Renew your membership for the 2024 dues year.
Please also update your membership profile with a descriptive explanation of your qualifications for the chairs of those committees in which you are interested. Add a resume or bio, plus your interest areas, for example. - Navigate to the SIOP Volunteer System (SVS) to volunteer for a committee.
We recommend selecting ONE committee that you are most interested in to begin with (even though the system allows you to select up to three.)
Note that some committees do not use this selection process, so not all committees will appear as available at this time. Also, keep in mind that members may only serve on one Standing Committee and one Awards or Ad Hoc committee during the year.
Thank you for your support of SIOP and the I-O psychology profession.
Post Type
Committees, Membership