In an effort to recognize unusual and outstanding contributions to I-O psychology, SIOP invites members to nominate colleagues for SIOP Fellowship. Fellowship is one of the highest honors a member can receive. It is open to individuals who work in any I-O topic area or employment setting.

Fellowship nominee requirements include:

  • Must be a current Society Member at the time of nomination and for the previous 2 years.
  • Must have accumulated a minimum of 10 years of professional membership, inclusive of the year in which the candidate is nominated.
  • Must have evidence that the individual’s contributions have had meaningful, sustained, and extraordinary impact on the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
  • Must be nominated by other Members or Fellows. Self-nomination is not permitted.

The nomination process will close Wednesday, October 1, 2023. Please note this change from previous years. As the volume of nominations has increased, the change in the close date ensures that all nominations receive the same careful consideration as has historically been the practice.

The Fellowship Committee reviews all nominations and makes recommendations to the Executive Board. New Fellows will be recognized at the 2024 SIOP Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, as well as in SIOP communications channels.

SIOP recognizes that outstanding contributions to the profession may come from all areas of I-O psychology and represent the range of practice, research, teaching, administration, and service in the variety of settings in which industrial-organizational psychologists work.

Fellow status is not simply based on adding up how many criteria are represented in a nominee’s curriculum vitae. Similarly, recognition as a SIOP Fellow is not simply a matter of competency nor is it recognition of a steady and active career in I-O. Rather, Fellow status specifically recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions that have an important impact on I-O psychology.

“SIOP Fellows are distinguished by a consistently high level of excellence in their professional pursuits and a remarkable variety of impactful achievements,” said Karen Grabow, SIOP Fellowship Committee Chair 2023-2024.

Each nominee is considered individually; there is no quota or percentage of Fellows. The Fellowship Committee takes very seriously its obligation to make sure that outstanding SIOP members are recognized, balanced by the realization that Fellowship is a significant honor, highly valued by the SIOP community.

Complete requirements and procedures, as well as a helpful timetable and examples of contributions, can be found online.

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