Four SIOP members were elected as Division 14 APA fellows by the APA board of directors and council of representatives in August. The 2024 initial fellows will receive their certificates from the APA Fellows Committee in the next few weeks.

APA fellow status is an honor bestowed upon APA members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person’s work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state, or regional level.

Congratulations to:

  • Michael Bazigos
  • D. Ramona Bobocel
  • Jeffrey Cucina
  • Louis Tay

Each of these recipients is also a SIOP Fellow. Nominations for the new class of SIOP Fellows are due Oct. 1.

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Allied Organizations, APA (American Psychological Association), Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Employee Health, Guidelines and Policies, Membership, Surveys