The Summer TIP issue is now out. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

While you’re reading the issue, be sure to check out the Editor’s Column where Adriane Sanders talks about the next three issues of TIP, which will be organized in themes.

Author submissions for the fall issue are due Aug. 1. The theme of this issue is From Hugo to AI: Memorable Moments in SIOP and TIP History. This is an opportunity to reflect on SIOP, the field of I-O psychology, and members’ favorite TIP articles.

The TIP Editorial Board is looking for articles about and photos from early annual conferences, pivotal moments in SIOP organizational history, major developments or insights in I-O psychology, historical findings/ideologies that were firmly held beliefs until they weren’t, and so forth. Authors are also invited to add a human touch to these articles: What I-O research changed your career and why?

Contributors can also submit existing TIP articles that impacted them in some way. Send in articles that you keep coming back to or sharing with peers, articles that made you laugh, think, yell, or all of the above. Include brief explanations with your submission as to why the article is a favorite.

Here’s how to submit:

  • Email Adriane Sanders with the Subject Line: From Hugo to AI
    • Submit a completed article and any supplemental digital media. Or,
    • If you have an article idea and want feedback, email an abstract.
    • For TIP articles:
      • Send a hyperlink or PDF of the article. Search the TIP archives here.
      • Include a brief explanation about why the article is meaningful to you.

Articles should be no longer than 3,000 words. We look forward to your engagement in this exciting themed issue of TIP!

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