Whether you’re an employee or an employer, the 2022 SIOP Income and Employment Report can help you as you navigate the job market or create benefits packages for your I-O employees. Information in this report can be used when asking for or offering a raise or promotion, job hunting or job promotion, or to fulfill your curiosity.

The 2022 report, which is confidential for SIOP Fellows, Members, Associates, Students, and Retired members only, includes input from more than 1,000 members who responded to a survey about their income and work arrangements in 2020 and 2021. The survey was developed, administered, and reported on by SIOP’s Institutional Research Committee (IRC) Salary Survey Subcommittee in partnership with Mercer|Sirota and HumRRO.

The results provide a snapshot of the profession and summarize findings designed to understand the factors that impact income, including highest degree obtained, tenure, and employment sector (e.g., academic vs. practitioner, internal vs. external practitioner, etc.) as well as other demographic variables (e.g., gender, age, geographic location).

New this year was the inclusion of questions about the impact of COVID-19. The pandemic affected nearly every area of life in 2020 and 2021, and the current survey included questions about impact to remote work, caregiving, and changes in employment, income, and benefits.

Be prepared to negotiate your next raise or job offer! Use your SIOP membership log in to access the 2022 report. Affiliates and the public may access the report’s executive summary without logging in.

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Business, Compensation, Financial Planning, I-O Careers, Income and Employment, Membership, Surveys