There’s still time to register for Battling Burnout in 2022: What Can Organizations Do Beyond Encouraging Self-Care?, presented by Dr. Jacinta Jiménez. This second installment of the SIOP Work Smart Series: Content + Connection will be held February 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST.
Burnout, described by Jiménez as “the erosion of the human soul,” surrounds us as we enter the third year of living and working through a pandemic. And yet, burnout is not inevitable. We invite people leaders, I-O and HR practitioners, and all who are interested in the science of work to join us for this uplifting session
Attendees will come away with a better understanding of benevolent organizational and leadership practices that reduce the burden on employees, leaders’ responsibility to establish conditions that foster and encourage resilience, and critical differences between psychological safety and toxic positivity.
Benefits of attending this event include:
- Access to key thought leadership. Jiménez is an award-winning author, psychologist, and board-certified leadership coach with a 15+ year career dedicated to the betterment of individuals, leaders, and organizations. Gain insight into her perspective on burnout and how to address it in your workplace.
- A fresh approach on employing techniques. Jiménez will not only discuss this relevant topic in an engaging manner, but also break the “sage-on-the-stage” dynamic, offering attendees the opportunity for meaningful connection alongside evidence-based strategies for staving off burnout.
- Techniques that can be applied on the personal and organizational level. Leaders and talent management professionals are often tasked with addressing issues that might also be affecting them as an employee. This session offers evidence-based strategies that can be applied on multiple levels within an organization.
All registrants will also be added to a drawing for a chance to win a free copy of Jiménez’s award-winning book, The Burnout Fix! CE credits are available for this session.
Please email if you have any questions or suggestions.
Post Type
Burnout, Events & Education, Webinars, Work Smart Series