Submitted by the SIOP Membership Committee

We are delighted to share that version 2.0 of the SIOP Membership Demographics Dashboard is now available! SIOP members with a current paid membership can access this fantastic new feature by logging into their account and finding the Demographics link under the Membership menu of

In 2019, the SIOP Membership Committee created the Membership Analytics Subcommittee (MAS) in order to analyze and visualize data from membership surveys and member profiles. The subcommittee fulfills membership data analysis requests from SIOP members, uses data to drive decision making to improve the membership experience, and visualizes summaries of demographic data for the broader SIOP community.

In 2021, we launched our first user-friendly dashboard where members can view aggregate demographic data on a variety of variables including gender, member type, highest degree earned, sector of employment, location, and field of study (e.g., I-O/Business Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources). This new dashboard was created to further advance SIOP’s strategic goal #2, specifically to improve data infrastructure, improve visibility of membership diversity, and enhance SIOP’s digital resources for members.

This year, we are excited to announce version 2.0 of the dashboard. Several members of the subcommittee have been hard at work revamping the dashboard, updating and cleaning the source data, and adding additional views and insights that we hope you find useful. The new dashboard has been updated to include the 2021 membership year, and it now features two new tabs that allow users to track change in variables over time (from 2017 until present). Users can also now see how SIOP membership has changed over time in terms of gender composition, work sector, degree, member type, and location.

We invite you to open the dashboard and review the data. As you do, you may notice that the dashboard includes key demographic data while also highlighting the percentage of membership data that is currently unspecified. To help improve the accuracy of the insights the MAS can provide and allow us to visualize data on variables such as race/ethnicity and age groups (which currently have a very large proportion of missing data), we need your help! Please ensure that you have provided your most up-to-date demographic information in your SIOP profile. To do so, please log into your account at, visit your account page, and select the Edit My Demographic Information link to fill in any blanks or make updates.

Do you have SIOP membership data requests for your committee or research efforts? Submit your data analysis request here. To learn more about the request process and the types of membership information that are available, please review SIOP’s Membership Data Governance Policy.

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