Submitted by the SIOP Work Smart Team

Pie chart that represents Friday Seminars, Pre-Conference Workshops, and Work Smart SeriesIn this third session of SIOP’s Work Smart Series, we will focus on one of the most multifaceted workforce phenomena of our times—what we are calling “The Great R.” Initially, the term “The Great Resignation” was coined by SIOP Member Anthony Klotz to describe the wave of people leaving their jobs. Since that time a multitude of other labels have been used to describe the current period of workplace disruption: Reshuffle, Reset, Re-imagination, Revolution.

It is challenging to separate reality from hype among the rapidly changing statistics we see and hear daily. Of even greater complexity is sorting out what to do about this the dramatic reset going on in the workplace. We face an unprecedented opportunity to rethink how we bring purpose to work, ensure work–life balance and attract and retain a sufficient and diverse supply of talent.

This session—The “Great R”:  Reality, Response and Reset in a Post-Pandemic Workplace—brings together 13 I-O psychologists to share the best of science and practice on this complex top. Dr. Reeshad Dalal, SIOP Fellow and professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at George Mason University, will serve as moderator.

  • Part 1 of this session will focus on “What’s for Real”? and will feature highly current research being done by Dr. Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi and his colleagues at McKinsey & Company.
  • Part 2 of the session will focus on “What’s the Response?”  Breakout sessions will be facilitated by experienced I-O practitioners sharing evidence base practices and facilitating discussion on how organizations are responding to the new workplace dynamics. Each participant can select two of the following topics to engage in:
    • Purpose and Job Embeddedness: Dr. Seymour Adler & Dr. Brian Ruggeberg (Kincentric)
    • Recruitment and Selection: Dr. Chad Thompson (MIX)
    • Leveraging the Aging Workforce: Dr. Miriam Nelson (Korn Ferry) and Dr. Paul van Katwyk (Saudi Aramco)
    • Employee Listening and Culture: Dr. Evan Sinar (Better-Up)
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Dr. Bernardo Ferdman (Ferdman Consulting)
    • Bringing Women Back : Dr. Anna Marie Valerio (Executive Leadership Strategies) and Mr. Jeff Quinn (Leadership Insights & Development)
    • Workplace Flexibility: Ms. Terri McNelly (Hershey) and Dr. Chia-Lin Ho (Red Hat)
  • Part 3 will conclude by summarizing learnings on “What’s the Reset?”

The Work Smart series is not just for I-Os!  Share information with your talent management colleagues and help showcase how I-O psychologists are contributing to a smarter workplace.

For registration information, a detailed agenda, and speaker bios, visit the Work Smart webpage.
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The SIOP Work Smart Team

Veronica Schmidt Harvey, Team Leader (email)
Christina Boyce
Chia-Lin Ho
Lisa Kath
Alison O’Malley
Terri McNelly
Michael Moreno
Jeff Quinn
Paul Thoresen

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Events & Education, Webinars, Work Smart Series