Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2017 > April


Volume 54     Number 4    April 2017      Editor: Tara Behrend

International Practice Forum: The Licensure Issue in Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Recent Ongoings Within Canada

Lynda Zugec and John Michela

Meredith Turner 0 1639 Article rating: 5.0

The registration/licensure of industrial-organizational psychology is a topic that is discussed globally. Typically, the details are conferred within the context of a particular country, as the practice of industrial-organizational psychology is usually guided by specific jurisdictions which differ depending on geographic region.

TIP-TOPics for Students: TheVersatile Graduate Student: Using Extra-Role Activities to Increase Your Job Marketability

Grace Ewles, Thomas Sasso, and Jessica Sorenson

Meredith Turner 0 1736 Article rating: No rating

There has been a global recognition of the increase in doctoral degrees conferred with comparatively few professorships and academic positions becoming available. Associations such as The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies are noting large discrepancies between the supply and demand for new professors (Sekuler, 2011). This calls into question dominant models of graduate education as training the future professoriate. Industrial and organizational psychology is perhaps well situated as a field to be less concerned about this trend. After all, many students who enter graduate training in our field do so with the intention of careers in consulting, human resources, or governmental and nonprofit work. As such, this month’s TIP-Topics column aims to provide guidance for graduate students looking to develop or enhance competencies deemed critical for I-O practitioners outside academe.

I-O Outside I-O: A Quarterly Review of Relevant Research From Other Disciplines

Mark Alan Smith and Alex Alonso

Meredith Turner 0 1375 Article rating: No rating

If you been under the most all-encompassing rock for the last 2 years, you might not know that politics play a large role in the national discourse around every topic.  No matter one’s leanings it is clear that much investment is made in trying to predict one act of national-level behavior and the motivations behind this behavior. Specifically, we are talking about voting and the motivations for voting: both why people vote and why they select a candidate on the ballot. 

Spotlight on Humanitarian Work Psychology: From Corporations to Causes: The Demand for HWP

Shujaat Ahmed and Morrie Mullins

Meredith Turner 0 1915 Article rating: 5.0

Hello, and welcome back to the “Spotlight on Humanitarian Work Psychology” column!  You have probably noticed that there are a couple of new faces attached to the column this issue—well, one new face and one that’s been around TIP just a bit in the past.  To offer a quick introduction, Shujaat Ahmed is the vice chair of the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology (GOHWP) and a doctoral candidate at Illinois Tech.  Morrie Mullins is a member of the GOHWP Executive Board and a former editor of TIP, and had the trajectory of his career altered by what he learned from reading about humanitarian work psychology (HWP) and SIOP’s UN team during his editorship.  We are both thrilled to be writing for TIP and excited to help get the word out about HWP!