Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2017 > July


Volume 55     Number 1    July 2017      Editor: Tara Behrend

From the Editor

Tara S. Behrend

Meredith Turner 0 1601 Article rating: No rating

I have a younger brother. When we were kids, I fought with him all the time. He was smaller than me, and skinny, and easy to trick. I saw nothing wrong with using my advantages to torment him. In fact, in my mind, I was doing him a favor—toughening him up so he could face the world.  This logic, however, did not apply to any unfortunate neighbor kid who tried to pick on my brother. I would bloody the nose of anyone who looked at him sideways. As the saying goes, nobody picks on my brother but me.

President's Column

Fred Oswald

Meredith Turner 0 1577 Article rating: No rating

Are you reading this while fueled from the SIOP 2017 conference in Orlando? What an event—one with record-breaking attendance! The opening plenary of the conference began with an inspiring welcome by Mort McPhail, who reviewed many key accomplishments by SIOP that happened during his presidential term. He then recognized our esteemed SIOP award winners and fellows, and gave a memorable send off to Dave Nershi, whose retirement after 12 years as executive director of SIOP is marked by his exceptional professionalism and dedication to the field. Being a certified wine specialist, Dave received a large package on stage, containing a bottle of wine from every SIOP past president who served during his tenure. What a great start to a well-earned retirement! SIOP will miss Dave just as much as we appreciate Jeff Hughes taking the reins as our new executive director. Jeff and the SIOP Administrative Office were deeply immersed in all the action of the SIOP conference from beginning to end, keeping the wheels turning in ways that seemed effortless to those who attended.

The Bridge: Connecting Science and Practice:The Case for Using Working Memory in Practice

Bryan D. Edwards, Ana M. Franco Watkins, Samuel T. McAbee, and Luis Faura with Craig Wallace, Lynda Zugec, and Mark L. Poteet

Meredith Turner 0 2506 Article rating: 2.0

“The Bridge: Connecting Science and Practice” is a TIP column that seeks to help facilitate additional learning and knowledge transfer in order to encourage sound, evidence-based practice. It can provide academics with an opportunity to discuss the potential and/or realized practical implications of their research, as well as learn about cutting edge practice issues or questions that could inform new research programs or studies. For practitioners, it provides opportunities to learn about the latest research findings that could prompt new techniques, solutions, or services that would benefit the external client community. It also provides practitioners with an opportunity to highlight key practice issues, challenges, trends, etc., that may benefit from additional research. In this issue, we review and consider the case for using working memory in practice!

A Crash Course in I-O Technology: A Crash Course on the Internet

Richard N. Landers

Meredith Turner 0 3122 Article rating: No rating

This issue, we’ll be taking a step back to explore something you probably don’t think about a whole lot: How does the Internet work?  In my experience, I-Os tend to treat the Internet a lot like they treat their car: a tool to get from A to B.  When something goes wrong, and it always eventually will, you don’t usually bother figure out why, you just call your tow truck to drag it over to someone who will do that for you.  In the case of the Internet, you might call your IT person or your Internet service provider if your access becomes slower than you expect it to be or goes out, but otherwise, you tend to ignore little problems.  When’s the last time you called someone because you couldn’t use a webpage the way you thought you should be able to?  Never, that’s when.