Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2018 > April


Volume 55     Number 4    Spring 2018      Editor: Tara Behrend

Max. Classroom Capacity: The Dreaded Group Project

Loren J. Naidoo, Baruch College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Meredith Turner 0 2885 Article rating: No rating

Like most of you, I’ve spent much of February absorbed by the thrilling coverage of Olympic curling, an athletic spectacle unlike any other. As a good Canadian, I’ve spent many an evening screaming “Hurry! Hard!” at the TV in a fit of ecstatic simpatico with the vigorously sweeping titans gliding down the sheet, graceful as a cheetah scratching its chin. The strategizing, the polite sportsmanship, the coordinated yelling—these are groups working at their groupiest! Coincidentally, I have just started overseeing a set of student group projects in my undergraduate research methods class, with hopes for similarly lofty levels of excitement and achievement.

SIOP in Washington: Advocating for I-O in Federal Public Policy

Jill Bradley-Geist, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and Bill Ruch, Lewis-Burke Associates LLC

Meredith Turner 0 2521 Article rating: No rating

Since July 2013, SIOP and Lewis-Burke Associates LLC have collaborated to make I-O science and research accessible to federal and congressional policy makers.  SIOP has embedded a foundational government relations infrastructure within the organization, enabling SIOP to develop an authoritative voice as a stakeholder in science policy in Washington, D.C. and to promote SIOP as a vital resource for evidence-based decision making.

Organizational Neuroscience: Neuroscience, Outgroups, and Bad Behavior

Bill Becker, Virginia Tech; M.K. Ward, University of Western Australia; and Xiaoyuan (Susan) Zhu, University of Connecticut

Meredith Turner 0 2967 Article rating: No rating

As the recent “Me Too” movement dramatically demonstrates, the modern workplace remains rife with reprehensible behavior that extends from negative politics, to abusive supervision, to sexual harassment. A recent Forbes article suggests that as many as 75% of employees are affected by workplace bullying. The persistence and extent of bad behavior suggests that it cannot be attributed to a few bad actors but rather that all of us are susceptible to our inner demons and there is reason to believe that social categorization may play a role in our Jekyll and Hyde transformations.

Awards Spotlight: The Path to Fellow–Dr. Leslie Joyce

Garett Howardson, Tuple Work Science, Ltd/Hofstra University/The George Washington University; and Liberty Munson, IBM

Meredith Turner 0 3322 Article rating: No rating

In this installment of the TIP Awards Spotlight, we continue our focus on the SIOP Fellow process. In the first article of our series, we interviewed the current chair of the SIOP Fellow committee Dr. Kenneth P. De Meuse to learn more about the process and his recommendations. The second article saw an interview with Dr. Cheryl Paullin’s path to becoming a Fellow. In this third installment, we continue our Path-to-Fellows interviews with Dr. Leslie Joyce. Receiving her doctorate from North Carolina State University, Dr. Joyce has spent most of her career in the talent management space specializing in employee and organizational development and effectiveness. Dr. Joyce’s employee development emphasis is not surprising giving her half namesake role in the likewise-development-focused Leslie W. Joyce and Paul W. Thayer Graduate Fellowship in I-O Psychology. More recently, Dr. Joyce has transitioned into leading global human resource functions, particularly as the chief people officer for a global manufacturing company.

Learning About Learning: The Mythical Land of I-O

Tom Whelan and Amy Duvernet, Training Industry Inc.

Meredith Turner 0 3477 Article rating: No rating

In our last column, we talked about some of the misconceptions that I-Os may face when interacting with L&D professionals. As we’ve said repeatedly in this column, both sides have a lot to learn from each other. On the flip side of the coin, there are some I-Os who hold beliefs about workplace learning that don't necessarily jibe with what’s going on in the practitioner space. In this column, we’d like to talk about several “myths” about training that some I-Os may have bought into over time.