Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2018 > January


Volume 55     Number 3    Winter 2018      Editor: Tara Behrend

I-O Outside I-O: A Quarterly Review of Relevant Research From Other Disciplines

Mark Alan Smith, CEB Talent Assessment; Alex Alonso, Society for Human Resource Management

Meredith Turner 0 2394 Article rating: No rating

It is often the case that social psychology is overlooked as a potential source for enhanced learning and application for our practices as I-O psychology. While social psychology is the origin of I-O, we have advanced our own version of applied social psychology beyond the roots in cognitive dissonance or attraction. In this column, we take a stroll back into the social psychology by examining the concepts of rejection and comparative feedback mechanisms. Whether looking at how individuals handle rejection or students experience test anxiety based upon the method of feedback processing, the studies reviewed here provide insights into the relationships between feedback and generalized attitudinal perceptions. In this review, we provide insights into the application of the relevant findings for workplace application.

Academics' Forum: On Who to Publish With After Graduation

Allison S. Gabriel, University of Arizona; Joel Koopman, Texas A&M University

Meredith Turner 0 2642 Article rating: No rating

I’m pretty sure in academia that you always remember your first “big” publication. For me, it was my master’s thesis that got published in 2011. I’ll assume my reaction to the process is typical of a lot of other folks—from me not realizing that a high risk R&R was a good thing; to me panicking (shocking, I know) about the reviews and my advisor (Jim Diefendorff) laughing at me (I believe his response was “Oh, these aren’t even that bad!” and my response was wanting to faint since O-M-G these were the hardest comments in the history of comments); and, of course, to me taking a literal victory lap around the Akron I-O department when the email appeared in my inbox saying “accepted.” That first paper came with a wave of relief knowing that I had a chance on the job market. But, I also distinctly remember feeling—what else—panic at the thought of (a) having to publish again and (b) having to publish in the future without Jim. How, after 5 short years, was I supposed to create a pipeline to sustain a tenure-track line if I couldn’t focus largely on the research pipeline I was building in my graduate program?

Practitioner Forum: An Update From the Professional Practice Committee

Will Shepherd, Chair, Professional Practice Committee

Meredith Turner 0 2753 Article rating: No rating

The Professional Practice Committee volunteers continue to do an incredible job on your behalf. There are some exciting new resources they have created. Also, there will be some expanded and new offerings at the SIOP Conference in Chicago. Here are some key highlights:

SIOP in Washington: Advocating for I-O in Federal Public Policy

Jill Bradley-Geist, University of Colorado Colorado Springs; Bill Ruch, Lewis-Burke Associates LLC

Meredith Turner 0 2600 Article rating: No rating

On November 16, the House of Representatives passed The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1), along party lines.  The Senate later moved their bill out of Committee and began debating the measure on November 30.  Senate Republican leadership is finalizing modifications to the legislation that were needed to secure the necessary 50 votes to pass the bill.  The Senate Republican leadership anticipates passing their bill late on December 1 and entering conference negotiations with the House the week of December 4.  Ultimately, Congress hopes to reach agreement on a final bill that can be sent to President Trump by the end of the year.  Of particular concern to SIOP is a proposal in the House bill that would result in increased tax liability for graduate students.