Top Competencies and Experiences for Industry

Among the different I-O careers in this sector, the top competencies are critical thinking and verbal communication. Executing and delivering results as well as earning and maintaining the trust of the leadership team are top experiences.

Competencies and Experiences: Industry Individual Contributor

The top competencies and critical experiences needed to succeed as an Individual Contributor are critical thinking and executing and delivering results.

Competencies and Experiences: Industry Expert Individual Contributor

The top competencies and critical experiences needed to succeed as an Expert Individual Contributor are critical thinking and serving as a subject matter expert.

Competencies and Experiences: Industry Manager

The top competencies and critical experiences needed to succeed as a Manager are, similar to Expert Individual Contributors, critical thinking and serving as a subject matter expert.

Competencies and Experiences: Industry Manager of Managers

The top competencies and critical experiences needed to succeed as a Manager of Managers are verbal communication and earning and maintaining the trust of the leadership team.

Competencies and Experiences: Industry Executive

The top competencies and critical experiences needed to succeed as an Executive are critical thinking and completing high-visibility assignments.

Job Titles in Industry

Explore additional careers by viewing the common job titles of I-O professionals who work in this sector.