Five distinguished SIOP members will take their positions on the SIOP Executive Board in April 2024, following the recently concluded annual elections. Volunteer service on the board is a hallmark of dedication and service to the profession, as well as an honor bestowed by colleagues.

The newly elected officers are:

  • Scott Tannenbaum – President-Elect
  • Enrica Ruggs – Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Eric Heggestad – Financial Officer/Secretary
  • Songqi Liu – Membership Services Officer
  • Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang – Publications Officer

SIOP thanks all candidates for their willingness to serve and the members who voted in the election for their engagement.

Current President-Elect and Election Committee Chair Alexis Fink oversaw the SIOP election.

“SIOP is fortunate to have had a full slate of passionate, capable, dedicated leaders on our ballot this year,” she said. “Our active membership and their generous commitment of service to make our society and community run is a tremendous gift. I am very excited to welcome our new class of Executive Board members and to work with them over the coming years to deliver on SIOP’s mission and strategy!”

More information about the new officers, including brief bios and summaries of their candidate goal statements, follows.

Scott Tannenbaum – President-Elect
I’m proud to be an I-O psychologist and have spent my career actively engaged in the practice, science, and teaching of I-O psychology. I’ve served as a tenured professor, led a consulting/research firm for 30 years, and trained students and practitioners in academia and industry. Collectively, I hope this has provided me with a balanced, inclusive view of our field.

Tannenbaum’s Goals Statement focuses on three areas: helping members stay connected and involved, keeping SIOP externally relevant, and helping SIOP stay internally strong.

Enrica Ruggs – Diversity and Inclusion Officer
I am an associate professor of management at the University of Houston. I received my PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Rice University, and my bachelor’s degrees from Prairie View A&M University. Broadly, my research focuses on workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). My research appears in academic and practitioner journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and MIT Sloan Management Review.

Ruggs’ Goals Statement focuses on delivering inclusive experiences and opportunities, expanding accessibility of SIOP’s DEI resources and training initiatives, and improving SIOP’s diversity metrics to improve targeted D&I initiatives.

Eric Heggestad – Financial Officer/Secretary
I have worked in both practice (U.S. Air Force, HumRRO, private consultant) and academic settings (Colorado State University, UNC Charlotte). I currently hold the position of professor of Psychological Science and Organizational Science at UNC Charlotte. I am a Fellow of SIOP.

Heggestad’s Goals Statement includes a focus on the Strategic Goal 2, Objective 2.5—reducing our fiscal dependence on in-person events by diversifying our revenue streams to ensure the society’s long term financial health—and working with the leadership team to steward SIOPs financial resources in a way that is consistent with our mission, vision, values, and strategic plan.

Songqi Liu – Membership Services Officer
I am currently a full professor at Georgia State University and director of the Science of Organizations program at the National Science Foundation (NSF). I received my PhD in I-O Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park, and have been serving SIOP since 2008.

Liu’s Goals Statement includes strengthening SIOP’s analytics capabilities and leveraging data to guide strategic decision making, encouraging diversity and inclusion, and better coordinating efforts to celebrate members’ achievements and fund their professional growth.

Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang – Publications Officer
I am a tenured full professor at the Department of Psychology of Michigan State University and received my PhD in I-O Psychology from the University of Akron. I was the program director of the Science of Organizations program at National Science Foundation from 2016-2018. I am a SIOP Fellow, and my research focuses on occupational stress and employee health, safety, and well-being.

Chang’s Goals Statement includes steps to continue high-quality publications, develop new publication initiatives to serve stakeholders, and facilitate the marketing, delivery, and outreach of SIOP’s published content to a wide audience.

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Governance, Guidelines and Policies