SIOP’s Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN) believes that individuals with caregiving responsibilities should have an equal opportunity to share their research and participate in the SIOP Annual Conference. If you are planning to attend the annual conference in Boston and need dependent care, consider applying for a SIOP Family Care Grant.

Family Care Grant
The SIOP Family Care Grant will provide $500 awards for up to 20 members who require caregiving support to facilitate their attendance at the 2023 SIOP Annual Conference in Boston. This option allows members to use a lump sum of money for care as they see fit. Applications for this grant will be accepted until March 1, 2023.

In order to be eligible to receive funds, applicants must

  • be a current SIOP member
  • be a caregiver, defined as a person providing care to another person who requires care (e.g., children, elders, persons with disabilities) or a person who requires caregiving support at the conference (e.g., members with disabilities)
  • be the only caregiver in the family applying for the grant funds
  • report facing some financial difficulty attending the conference due to financial caregiving needs
  • plan to travel to the 2023 SIOP Annual Conference in Boston

Apply online. Grant recipients will be announced no later than March 8, 2023.

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2023 Annual Conference, Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Committees, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Events & Education, Publications, SIOP Living History, Workplace Culture