Image Sizes & Dimensions
Here are the appropriate image sizes & dimensions when submitting photos with your web requests. These dimensions help speed up load time and make the website more accessible to people on slower connections.
Page Banners (Featured Image)
1920x960px (approx)
Your featured images are also used as your page banners. If you upload a significantly different size, it may appear blurry, take a long time to load, or be cropped in an unusual way.
600x600px (approx)
Ideally, headshots should be cropped before uploading. If you upload an alternate size, it may be cropped automatically.
Inline Images
1200px wide (approx)
Inline images go within your content, and are not intended to display at the full width of the page.
Web Request Forms
Request Webpage Updates
Minor revisions or text updates ONLY.
New Webpage Creation
Need a landing or supporting page created? Fill out the form below.
Please use the form below to submit an event for the SIOP Calendar.
Call & Announcements
Calls and Announcements are appropriate for calls for papers, announcements about relevant events or professional development opportunities, and requests for study participation.
For more information, please visit Calls & Announcements.