Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2017 > January


Volume 54     Number 3    January 2017      Editor: Tara Behrend

Meredith Turner
/ Categories: 543

2017 Conference Program

Zach Horn

We received over 1,420 submissions for the 2017 SIOP conference in Orlando! Around 950 submissions were accepted for what is expected to be a first-rate conference. FUN FACT: a whopping 91 submissions included reproducible research, a new addition to SIOP 2017, and many were very highly rated, so be sure to flag a few of these when you see them in the program (way to think forward, SIOP!). In fact, so many were highly rated that, along with our highly attended HR Track (on Friday), SIOP 2017 is also featuring a reproducible research track on Saturday. More details to come on those tracks, so stay tuned!


In addition to the peer-reviewed master tuto­rials, debates, symposia, panels, posters, roundta­bles, and alternative session types, the Program Committee has been working tirelessly to assemble a quality collection of Friday Seminars, Invited Sessions, Featured Sessions, Communities of Interest, a Master Collab­oration, and a full-day President’s Theme Track (on Thursday). A preview of these sessions is offered below, with more Program details to come as the conference approaches.


Theme Track:
Driving Breakthroughs by Anticipating What’s Next: Planning for the Future of I-O Psychology

(Chair: Tracy Kantrowitz)

The President’s Theme Track, running throughout the first day of the conference, presents a series of sessions on a unifying topic that resonates with our full SIOP audience, spanning practitioners, academics, and students from across the globe. This year’s Theme Track is titled “Driving Breakthroughs by Anticipating What’s Next: Planning for the Future of I-O Psychology” and is designed to bring President Mort McPhail’s vision to life. These five sessions will celebrate progress through the years, highlight ongoing initiatives that chart a course for the future, propose new frontiers and up-and-coming career paths, and debate what’s really new on a variety of trending topics. We are excited to offer an exceptional lineup of presenters on a compelling set of future-oriented topics that will provide guidance and insight to all SIOP members on how to prepare for the future.


Theme Track sessions are presented consecutively on Thursday in the same room: Southern Hemisphere I. You can stay all day or choose to attend individual sessions that are of most interest to you. Check out for learning objectives, continuing education credits, and additional details for each session.


How the World Changes I-O as I-O Changes the World, 10:30-11:50

Richard Landers (Chair), Ted Kinney (Co-Chair), Miriam Erez, Ruth Kanfer, Steve Kozlowski, John Mathieu, Rob Ployhart, and Gilad Chen (Discussant)

Based on the 2017 SIOP theme, “Exploring New Frontiers,” this session calls on five experts to describe how I-O psychology has reacted to major world changes and what role I-O has played in those changes.  These areas include international pressures and globalization, paradigm shifts in psychology, the evolution of technology, war and conflict, and civil rights and social change.  Presenters will discuss the history of these issues and the future of I-O and HR in a panel format with questions from the audience.


Shaping the Future of I-O Through Multidisciplinary Approaches, 12:00-1:20

Valentina Bruk-Lee (Chair), Samantha Taylor (Co-Chair), Amy Grubb, Leslie Hammer, Ben Hawkes, Autumn Krauss, Steven Poelmans, Eduardo Salas, and Steven Rogelberg

Advances in science and practice are born from blending knowledge across disciplines. Discover innovations to our knowledge of work, its design, and its impact resulting from multidisciplinary efforts. Find out why the future of I-O is multidisciplinary in this vibrant Ignite session from leaders in both academia and practice.


As the Pendulum Swings: Debating What’s Really New in I-O, 1:30-2:50

Samantha Taylor (Chair), Lynda Zugec (Co-Chair), Dennis Doverspike, Alan Colquitt, Seymour Adler, Aman Alexander, Dan Putka, Eden King, and Jennifer Deal

This debate on the future of I-O psychology will contrast perspectives on topics that have tended to “swing” in direction over the history of the field. Are these fads or natural evolution? How can I-O psychologists balance “trends” with science? What can stop the pendulum from swinging in the future? Pairs of presenters will debate the topics of performance management, I-O and data science, and generational differences in the workplace.


Learning From “Career Visionaries” to Create Future Contribution Paths, 3:30-4:50

Ted Kinney (Chair), Valentina Bruk-Lee (Co-Chair), Alex Alonso, Sarah Fallaw, Alexis Fink, Rick Jacobs, Elizabeth Kolmstetter, and Michael Woodward

Despite the growth and recognition of I-O psychology, our career paths are often described narrowly. As I-O seeks to contribute to ever-changing organization structures and dynamic definitions of work, new “contribution” paths can be explored. During this session, six presenters with unique career paths provide guidance about future “contribution” options. What opportunities and challenges lie ahead for organizational psychologists in an increasingly cross-boundary world?


Predictions on The Future of Work, 5:00-5:50

Lynda Zugec (Chair), Richard Landers (Co-Chair), Libby Sartain, and Evan Sinar

How aligned is our work with the workplace issues that business executives feel will propel their companies into the future? From technology disruption to generational differences, there are many external forces shaping the way in which work is being conducted and conceptualized. Featured speaker Libby Sartain brings a wealth of executive experience as head of talent at Yahoo and Inc. and Southwest Airlines, and will help spark a reevaluation of how I-O can ensure ongoing impact by aligning with these forces.


Special Sessions

(Chair: Madhura Chakrabarti)

Open to all attendees, the 2017 SIOP Special Sessions are packed with action-oriented and forward looking topics and speakers. The four invited sessions (speakers are invited; anyone can attend)
provide insights into leading-edge research and, for the first time, introduces the highly anticipated Shaken & Stirred event to SIOP. The Master Collaboration sessions brings science and practice together to discuss some of the most impactful skills that are not being learned in graduate school. Last, and completely redesigned for SIOP in 2017, three Featured Sessions pair 2016 Award Winners together to offer strategies, tips, and examples for building and maintaining a competitive edge in your I-O career. No signup is necessary for these sessions, and all SIOP attendees are welcome. 


Invited Session: SIOP Shaken & Stirred   

Jennifer Weiss (Chair), Aarti Shyamsundar (Co-Chair), Derek Avery, Alexis Fink, Amy Grubb, Ben Hawkes, Mikki Hebl, Megan Nolan, Mitchell Marks, Mike Morrison, In-Sue Oh, Tom O'Neal, Doug Reynolds, Steven Rogelberg, Katina Sawyer, John Scott, and Ben Taylor

SIOP is excited to introduce Shaken & Stirred: an innovative, new event designed to celebrate those who are pushing the boundaries of I-O psychology’s contributions to the world and challenge others to do the same. Fifteen handpicked thought leaders and mavericks within and outside I-O have just 2 minutes each to answer one seemingly simple question: “What if?”  Inspired by the wildly popular 20x2 SXSW events, Shaken & Stirred is not a session, it’s a provocative and entertaining experience you will not want to miss. For more details see!


Invited Session: Reflections on the State of Science

Benjamin Biermeier-Hanson (Co-Chair), Gilad Chen (Co-Chair), Talya Bauer, Fred Morgeson, Mo Wang, and Eduardo Salas

I-O psychology is seeing continued and dramatic growth as our field enters its second century of existence. In addition to membership growth, we continue to see both theoretical and methodological advances that shape the state of the science in I-O psychology. The present session brings together thought leaders in three broad focal areas: (a) building the workforce, (b) experiencing and engaging in work, and (c) managing the workforce. These speakers will review the current state of the science while highlighting critical future research directions.


Invited Session: Towards a “New Organization”: Building and Measuring Teams

Madhura Chakrabarti (Chair, Discussant), Shawn Del Duco, Ashley Goodall, and Gary Johnsen

“New Organization: Different by Design” (or, a team of teams) is the #1 trend as per Deloitte’s 2016 Global Human Capital Trends Survey. What makes teams effective? How does one measure its effectiveness? Why do we like some teams more than others? How can one use this knowledge to enhance team performance? Practitioners from three large organizations will present their current leading-edge research on teams and applications of this research, and discuss surprising commonalities (and differences) among the findings.


Invited Session: New Wine, New Bottle—NLP Applications to Talent Management

Subhadra Dutta (Chair), Alexis Fink (Co-Chair), Eric O’Rourke, Ernest Ng, and Brian DeBar

As part of the Big Data movement in I-O psychology, machine learning techniques such as natural language processing (NLP) are receiving more attention and for making sense of unstructured text data in people analytics. Such techniques use algorithms trained in rules of language to decode and make sense of raw text. This symposium brings together practitioners from the tech industry to illustrate ways in which NLP is being used in people analytics (e.g. engagement surveys, performance themes, goal setting, etc.) to provide new, meaningful, employee insights.


Master Collaboration: What We Did Not Learn in Graduate School

Eric O’Rourke (Chair), Levi Nieminen (Co-Chair), Chris Cancialosi, Wendy Mack, David Morgan, and Chantale Wilson

This session will attempt to close the academic–practitioner gap by diving into skills I-O psychologists need to succeed in their careers but were not part of their formal graduate training. Researchers and practitioners will come together to discuss relevant/impactful skills such as personal branding, selling, machine learning, and data visualization. The Master Col­laboration is a continuing education credit opportunity (more details can be found at


Featured Session: Disruptors in the Field: Thinking Forward With Practice Award Winners

Leaetta Hough, Anthony S. Boyce, Jeffrey S. Conway, and Pat M. Caputo

Establishing your career as a change agent and building industry-shaping collaborations are skills demonstrated by of some of the greatest disruptors in I-O psychology. This session explores strategies that drive these individual and team-based successes, presented by recent winners of the Distinguished Professional Contributions Award and M. Scott Myers Award.


Featured Session: The Future of I-O in Practice: Insights From Award Winners

Tori Culbertson and David Van Rooy

The future of I-O psychology in practice is changing as industries and technologies rapidly evolve. To establish a successful career, our practitioners need top-notch training and continued agility throughout their careers. SIOP brings together recent winners of the Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Early Career Practice Awards to share best practices in teaching and building an impactful career as an I-O practitioner.


Featured Session: Building a Pipeline and Sustaining Success as an I-O Scientist

In-Sue Oh and Eduardo Salas

A fast start and commitment to adaptability are key ingredients for maintaining scientific excellence as an I-O psychologist. Recent winners of the Distinguished Early Career Science Award and Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award join forces to showcase tips and strategies for building a fast-rising career and sustaining a pipeline of excellence as an I-O scientist.


Communities of Interest (COI) Sessions

(Chair: Tony Boyce)

The 2017 SIOP Community of Interest sessions provide a forum for you to share your voice and shape how I-O makes an impact in 12 influential topic areas. Each interactive session is designed for you to meet new people, discuss new ideas, and have an active role in a conversation that will prove instrumental to pushing forward a hot topic in I-O. These sessions have no chair, pre­senters, discussant, or even slides. Instead, they are audience-driven discussions moderated this year by two facilitators on a single topic of interest. You will meet potential collaborators, gener­ate ideas, have meaningful conversations, meet some new friends with common in­terests, and/or expand your network to include other like-minded SIOP members. These 50-minute conversations run continuously on Thursday and Friday in room Asia 3.

  • Shootings and Hate Crimes: How I-Os Can Help & Support
    Hosts: Kecia Thomas and Brian Roote
  • Editorial Landscape: Where We've Been and Where We're Going
    Hosts: Steve Kozlowski and Brad Bell
  • I-O Psychology and the Space Program
    Hosts: Brandon Vessey and Suzanne Bell
  • Technology Trends Leading HR Practice: Key Opportunities for Research?
    Hosts: Jessica Kane and Josh Sacco
  • Understanding the Emerging Discipline of Organizational Neuroscience
    Hosts: Susan Zhu and Wen-Dong Li
  • Onboarding Community of Interest: Onboarding Matters 
    Hosts: Talya Bauer and Megan Huth
  • Fostering Collaboration Between Data/Computer Scientists and I-Os
    Hosts: Pat Caputo and Michal Kosinski
  • Trends in Job Analysis Research & Practice
    Hosts: Jason Randall and George Alliger
  • The Meaning and Usefulness of Resilience and Grit for I-O Psychology
    Hosts: Marcus Crede and Mike Ford
  • Inductive Research in I-O Psychology
    Hosts: Fred Oswald and Dan Putka
  • Multiteam Systems
    Hosts: Leslie DeChurch and James Grand
  • Trends in Learning and Development Research & Practice
    Hosts: Amy DuVernet and Tara Behrend


Friday Seminars

(Chair: Kisha Jones)

We are pleased to share with you the lineup for this year’s seminar presenters and top­ics. The Friday Sem­inars offer researchers and practitioners an opportunity to develop new skills, explore new topics, and keep up with cutting-edge advances in research and practice. The invit­ed experts will provide a thorough discus­sion of the topics in an interactive learning environment (e.g., lecture accompanied by break-out discussions, case studies, experi­ential exercises, and networking).


Space is limited and Friday Seminars do sell out, so we encourage you to regis­ter early to secure your spot. The Friday Seminars are continuing education credit opportunities (please see for more information).


The Use of "Mobile" Devices in Employment-Related Testing and Assessment

8:00 am–11:00 am, Northern Hemisphere A1

Winfred Arthur, Jr.

This seminar will provide an overview of the empirical employment-related unproctored Internet-based testing (UIT) device-type literature and present a conceptual framework for understanding and predicting when, how, and why UIT device types should and should not affect assessment and test scores. The implications for practice and research will be discussed.


Bridging the Scientist–Practitioner Gap: Becoming Better Informed Consumers of Research Findings

8:00 am–11:00 am, Northern Hemisphere A2

Wayne Cascio and Sheldon Zedeck

To become a better-informed consumer of research findings, one must “master the basics” of statistics, research design and research methods. This seminar focuses on the latter two topics. The presenters will address issues such as sampling, causation, the ability to generalize findings, and key questions related to field, laboratory, and questionnaire research.


The Intersection of Diversity and Defensibility

11:30 am–2:30 pm, Northern Hemisphere A1

Toni Locklear and Keith Caver

The demographic and cultural shifts reshaping our workforce have ushered in new challenges for employers seeking to embrace inclusivity while concurrently mitigating risk in talent management and reward practices. This session will help participants understand how legal defensibility goals can align with and even advance diversity and inclusion goals.


Experience Sampling Methodology

11:30 am–2:30 pm, Northern Hemisphere A2

Louis Tay and Marilyn Uy

This session is designed to help researchers and practitioners understand and utilize novel techniques to capture employee experiences in real time on a regular basis to address interesting and important organizational questions. The session is designed to be relevant to (a) organizational researchers interested in the issue of time and temporal dynamics, and (b) human resources professionals/consultants who want to explore and develop new ways of assessing employee experiences.


Performance Management Reform:  What Works and Where We’re Still Missing

3:00 pm–6:00 pm, Northern Hemisphere A1

Elaine Pulakos and Sharon Arad

Over time, performance management processes have become more formalized, time consuming, and process rich.  But the question increasingly being asked is: Are they yielding sufficient ROI to justify their time and costs? We will review the state of the practice, what we’ve learned, and most promising methods for PM reform.


Automated Conversion of Social Media Into Data: Demonstration and Tutorial

3:00 pm–6:00 pm, Northern Hemisphere A2

Richard Landers

Recent technological advances have brought the automated collection of data from social media, such as personal websites, discussion forums, Facebook, and Twitter, within the abilities of the average I-O psychologist.  In this hands-on workshop, learn the ins and outs of these big data techniques, using freely available open-source software.

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