Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2018 > April


Volume 55     Number 4    Spring 2018      Editor: Tara Behrend

Meredith Turner
/ Categories: 554

SIOP 2018–Chicago Conference Highlights

Tracy Kantrowitz, Program Chair; and Daisy Chang, Conference Chair

SIOP 2018–Chicago Conference Highlights


The SIOP 2018 conference is almost here! This year’s conference includes many new opportunities for learning and networking. Here is your guide to the highlights in Chicago! For additional detail on sessions and speakers, see the Conference Program article in the January 2018 TIP or use SIOP’s searchable program.


Throughout the Conference and Program:


  • Over 980 sessions and posters across the 3- day program
  • Over 600 posters across 19 poster sessions
  • 46 Reproducible Research (RR) presentations that facilitate the sharing of code and techniques with attendees; for more information see here:
  • 59 multidisciplinary sessions that feature collaborations, research initiatives, and unique projects with expertise from multiple disciplines beyond I-O
  • 54 sessions with alternative formats (a new record!)
  • 14 Communities of Interest (in Mayfair on Thursday and Friday)
  • 16 Master Tutorials
  • 7 Debates (ethical assessments, professional practice issues, the future of work, competency modeling, employee surveys, feedback on assessments, value of exit interviews)
  • SIOP’s mobile app keeps you connected to the conference and gives YOU the ability to provide feedback on sessions (powered by Whova). Please take the time to rate each session you attend!


New Features to SIOP 2018:


  • The “SIOP Select” designation unites special, featured, Theme Track, Alliance, and Executive Board sessions under one label to highlight sessions cultivated by SIOP volunteers and committees on high demand, high impact topics that are broadly applicable and add value across the membership. What was previously a series of special, featured, Theme Track, Executive Board, and Alliance sessions are now united as SIOP Select!
  • “Methods Mania” features the highest-rated methods tutorials and sessions in a one-stop location (Sheraton 4) throughout the program
  • The “Reviewer’s Choice” block (Friday at 1:00) features the highest rated sessions across a diverse array of content areas




Preregister now for the excellent set of preconference activities—including informative and inspirational workshops and consortia. The Newcomer Reception is from 5-6pm in Sheraton 1, and all are welcome to join us in celebrating the start of the conference at the Welcome Reception from 6–8 pm at the Ballroom Promenade.




Opening Plenary: Kick the day off with a must-see opening plenary session. We’ll cheer for award winners, be introduced to new Fellows, and hear about progress toward the vision of TeamSIOP from President Fred Oswald. The Dunnette Award address will follow the Opening Plenary, and will feature the legendary research and career of Dr. Thomas J. Bouchard.


The Thursday program includes a fantastic five-session Theme Track, “TeamSIOP Ventures Into New Playing Fields,” (chaired by Tracey Rizzuto) in Sheraton 5. The afternoon includes SIOP Select sessions on solutions for sexual harassment based on lessons from federal agencies, career strategies from recipients of practice award winners, and a global perspective on high performance work practices.


Thursday Evening Networking Reception: Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and network with the top poster winners at 6:00pm in Ballroom Promenade.




Join the invigorating Frank Landy 5K Fun Run at 7am on Friday, April 20, 2018 adjacent to DuSable Harbor!


Friday’s many program highlights include six Friday Seminars on topics including R basics, organizational network analysis, innovations in prehire assessment, unobtrusive data sources, creating dynamic data visualizations through visual notetaking, and cultivating innovation in organizations. These sessions require preregistration and a separate fee from the conference registration, so be sure to sign up first if space permits.


The HR Practitioner Track in Sheraton 3 offers multiple top-rated sessions with applied HR strategies and CE credits. Sessions include lessons learned on structuring talent management functions, the impact of talent on turnover, performance and profit, HR analytic acumen, driving talent conversations with the board, and the influence of technology on human resources management.  


SIOP Select sessions include a “learn by doing” machine learning competition, a virtual debate on the future of the field, insights into building a pipeline and sustaining success from winners of science awards, advancing women in I-O, linking I-O work to federal policy and funding opportunities, active aging at work, and translating the value of I-O.




Saturday includes fantastic programming that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to stay through the close!


SIOP Select sessions include insights from teaching and early career practice award winners on navigating a meaningful I-O career, an interactive session highlighting I-O innovations, promoting robust science in I-O, a conversation with SIOP leadership, and a view on assessment practices around the globe.


4:30: Closing Plenary with keynote address by Mark Squillante, Distinguished Research Staff Member and the Area Head of Stochastic Processes, Optimization and Control within the Mathematical Sciences Department at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and Director of the Center for Optimization under Uncertainty Research across IBM Research. His address is titled “Decision Making Under Uncertainty With Applications in Workforce Management.” Mark’s experiences and insights will serve as a fitting way to close a conference focusing on team and multidisciplinary concepts.


6:00: Closing Reception: Reflect on a great conference at a Chicago food- and music-themed reception. This is a reception you won’t want to miss!




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