Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association

Andrew Loignon, George Banks, and Jane Thomas

Jim Rebar 0 3655 Article rating: 5.0

The Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association has begun accepting submissions until April 5th, 2019. 
As this year’s track chairs, we would like to personally invite you to submit a paper, symposium, and/or a Professional Development Institute (PDI) proposal for consideration as part of this year’s conference. We imagine that the members of SIOP would be particularly interested in submitting to either the Organizational Behavior track or the joint Human Resource Management/Research Methods track. 

We hope you’ll consider contributing to this year’s conference program, which would benefit tremendously from the shared expertise of the members of SIOP! 

National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities

Arthur Lupia, National Science Foundation

Jim Rebar 0 3484 Article rating: No rating

Substantial Funding Opportunities from NSF Relevant to SBE Scientists

There are new funding opportunities at NSF that might be of interest to you. They are called the “Big Ideas” and they focus on critical issues in science and society. The purpose of each Big Idea is to motivate dynamic and innovative scholars to create and implement new and potentially transformative interdisciplinary approaches to some very large societal challenges.

NSF encourages:

  • every social scientist,
  • every behavioral scientist,
  • every member of an organization who is willing to collaborate with social or behavioral scientists, and
  • every scholar who is looking for new opportunities to advance science in ways that best serve the public

to think “big”.

Call for Papers

Special Issue of Human Resource Management Journal - The role of HRM in refugee workforce integration - Advancing theory and enhancing practice

Jim Rebar 0 3119 Article rating: No rating

Guest editors: Luciara Nardon (Carleton University, Canada), Betina Szkudlarek (University of Sydney Business School, Australia), Soo Min Toh (University of Toronto, Canada)

The number of refugees worldwide is increasing dramatically. A recent UNHCR report estimates that at the end of 2016 the world refugee population was over 22.5 million (UNHCR, 2017). While the refugee population can help developed countries reverse their negative demographic trends and bring economic and social benefit to host countries, research suggests that many refugees end up underemployed (Krahn et al., 2000) or dependent on public assistance (Hansen & Lofstrom, 2003), thus failing to fully integrate into the host society (Feeney, 2000).

Socialogists for Trans Justice Seek Participants for Nationwide Survey

Jim Rebar 0 3471 Article rating: No rating

Sociologist for Trans Justice are seeking to spread word of their nationwide survey for trans and intersex graduate students. They are reaching out to graduate students who would be willing to take this survey. Below is a link to the survey and detailed information about what and who are the Sociologists for Trans Justice. 

The National Survey of Trans & Intersex Graduate Students is open! Learn more and take the survey at:
